Microsoft Research

331 тыс
50.4 млн
9 256
24 Окт 2008
28.07.16 1:00:57
Posted Prices Exchange for Display Advertising Contracts
We propose a new market design for display advertising contracts, based on posted prices.
28.07.16 1:08:06
Tensor Decompositions for Learning Hidden Variable Models
In many applications, we face the challenge of modeling the interactions between multiple observations.
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28.07.16 42:47
BodyTrack: Open Source Tools for Health Empowerment through Self-Tracking
The BodyTrack project develops open source tools to aggregate and visualize self-tracking data from a variety of sources.
28.07.16 1:16:29
Detecting Fake Reviews
Opinions in social media are increasingly used by individuals and organizations for making purchase decisions and for marketing and product design.
4 864
28.07.16 56:20
Sublinear Optimization
In many modern optimization problems, specifically those arising in machine learning, the amount data is too large to apply standard convex optimization methods.
28.07.16 1:16:06
A novel paradigm for nonlinear speech processing through local singularity analysis
The existence of nonlinear and turbulent phenomena in the speech production process has been theoretically and experimentally established.
28.07.16 1:09:06
The deterministic user-level replay of concurrent programs
A user-level deterministic log/replay system is able to faithfully re-enact a past multithreaded execution without any modifications to the underlying OS or hardware.
28.07.16 1:19:13
Variational Dual-Tree Framework for Large-Scale Transition Matrix Approximation
In recent years, non-parametric methods utilizing random walks on graphs have been used to solve a wide range of machine learning problems, but in their simplest form they do not scale well due to
28.07.16 1:12:02
Processing Social Data
An important byproduct of the emergence of social networking platforms is an access to abundance of social data in all forms: blogs, clicks, facebook feeds, transactions and tweets.
28.07.16 57:27
ParaSail: A Pointer-Free Path to Object-Oriented Parallel Programming
Pointers are ubiquitous in modern object-oriented programming languages, and many data structures such as trees, lists, graphs, hash tables, etc. depend on them heavily.
28.07.16 45:37
Mobile Game Development in Computer Science Curriculum
Stan Kurkovsky is a Professor of Computer Science at Central Connecticut State University.
28.07.16 1:23:19
Causality Checking
I will introduce Causality Checking, a technique extending model checking designed to establish causalities for safety property violations in system models.
28.07.16 58:43
Decomposition of Speech and Sound into Modulators and Carriers
�musical tones are the simpler and more regular elements of the sensations of hearing, and that we have consequently first to study the laws and peculiarities of this class of sensations.
28.07.16 55:53
Micro Implants � a New Branch of Next Generation Biomedical Devices
My field of Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) has advanced tremendously for the last 20 years.
1 056
28.07.16 1:14:45
Calming Tech - Explorations on Interactive Technology Design for Stress and Emotional Management
Stress has been regarded as an exacerbating factor for many physical and mental disorders. Stress management considers the detection and mitigation of stress.
28.07.16 1:00:51
Dynamic Loudness Control for In-Car Audio
The preferred listening level for music and speech in cars depends on the environmental noise, which can vary dynamically.
28.07.16 40:24
Measuring and improving the readability of network visualizations
Network data structures have been used extensively in recent years for modeling entities and their ties for many diverse disciplines.
28.07.16 53:52
Efficient Minimization of Risk Measures via Smoothing: Theory and Applications
At the heart of most machine learning problems lies a regularized risk minimization problem.
28.07.16 1:09:16
Quantifying and Reducing the Overhead of Topological Quantum Error Correction in Large-Scale System
In this talk I will quantify the resources (number of qubits, number of quantum gates, computation time) needed to perform error correction with the surface code.
28.07.16 1:05:39
Extracting events of biomedical relevance from text
The understanding of e.g. multifactorial diseases requires the discovery of entities and their relationships from several domains: proteomics, metabolomics, toxicology, etc.
28.07.16 59:11
The Evolution of Pret a Voter
The challenge of making elections demonstrably accurate while guaranteeing ballot secrecy with minimal trust assumptions has been taken up by the crypto/security community.
28.07.16 52:54
Friends don�t Lie - Inferring Personality Traits from Social Network Structure
In this work, we investigate the relationships between social network structure and personality; we assess the performances of different subsets of structural network features, and in particular
28.07.16 1:00:10
The Phase Transition in Random Graphs: A Simple Proof
The classical result of Erdos and Renyi shows that the random graph G(n,p) experiences sharp phase transition around p=1/n -- for any \epsilon0 and p=(1-\epsilon)/n, all connected components of
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28.07.16 48:24
The Margulis expanders
The first explicit expander graph family was constructed by G. Margulis in the 1970�s. In this expository lecture, a simple proof will be given that these graphs indeed have the expansion property
28.07.16 1:33:00
Challenges in Malware Analysis
Program analysis is a challenging task when source code is available. It is even more challenging when analyzing malware where neither the source code nor debug information are present.
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28.07.16 1:13:05
Synthesis of small quantum and reversible circuits with quality guarantee
I will discuss algorithms for reversible and quantum circuit synthesis that guarantee different kinds of optimality.
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28.07.16 1:22:52
Efficient Software Implementation of Binary Field Arithmetic Using Vector Instruction Sets
In this talk, we will describe an efficient software implementation of characteristic 2 fields making extensive use of vector instruction sets commonly found in desktop processors.
28.07.16 1:04:36
Internet Voting: An Idea Whose Time Has Not Come
Properly designed and engineered computerized voting systems can facilitate voting and increase the security and reliability of our voting systems.
28.07.16 52:55
The Mechanical Cryptographer: Tolerant Algebraic Side-Channel Attacks using pseudo-Boolean Solvers
Machine solvers are a class of general-purpose software tools which input a set of equations and output a satisfying assignment to these equations (or a proof of unsatisfiability).
28.07.16 1:13:32
Practice-Driven Cryptographic Theory
Cryptographic standards abound: TLS, SSH, IPSec, XML Encryption, PKCS, and so many more.
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