Microsoft Research

331 тыс
50.4 млн
9 256
24 Окт 2008
28.07.16 54:07
Quantum-Circuit Design for Efficiently Simulating Many-Body Quantum Dynamics
We construct an efficient autonomous quantum-circuit design algorithm for creating efficient quantum circuits to simulate Hamiltonian many-body quantum dynamics for arbitrary input states.
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28.07.16 1:15:31
Model-based Code Generation and Debugging of Concurrent Programs
Design and implementation of distributed systems often involve many subtleties due to their complex structure, non-determinism, and low atomicity as well as occurrence of unanticipated physical
28.07.16 52:40
Games to Address National Challenges
In March 2011, President Obama issued a call to action, stating “I’m calling for investments in educational technology that will help create… educational software that’s as compelling as the best
28.07.16 1:15:16
Starfish: A MADDER and Self-tuning System for Big Data Analytics
Timely and cost-effective analytics over "big data" is now a key ingredient for success in businesses and scientific disciplines.
28.07.16 1:26:05
The Benefits Of Being Out Of Focus: Making the Most of Lens PSF
The point spread function (PSF) of a lens describes the impulse response of that lens -- how a point light source is imaged.
28.07.16 1:24:05
New-media arts inside and outside the research laboratory
This talk considers some histories of arts-driven innovation in and out of computer research laboratories.
28.07.16 58:49
Facing Interaction
How can we communicate sensations and emotional states, in non-verbal ways, to others, ourselves, things, or even places?
28.07.16 1:03:51
Efficient Market Making via Convex Optimization
We propose a general framework for the design of securities markets over combinatorial or infinite state spaces.
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28.07.16 1:10:20
Working Playfully to Learn: The Roles of Mediated Environments for Meaning-Making
Attendees of this talk will gain a greater understanding of the roles that digital media play in learning and meaning-making across the span of childhood, and discover strategies for leveraging the
28.07.16 1:02:35
Building Net Trust in the Homes of Seniors
Today those over sixty-five own over one third of all publicly traded value in the US. Yet financial security mechanisms for the Internet have not been designed for this demographic.
28.07.16 1:08:34
Expositor: Scriptable Time-Travel Debugging with First Class Traces
We present Expositor, a new debugging environment that combines scripting and time-travel debugging to allow developers to automate complex debugging tasks.
28.07.16 59:10
Computational artists through a virtual lens: CLOUDS documentary and depth enabled
We present CLOUDS, an upcoming documentary featuring new media artists in conversation about computational art and visual technology.
28.07.16 41:06
Approximating k-Median via Pseudo-Approximation
K-median is the problem where we wish to open k facilities so as to minimize the average distance each client has to its closest opened facility.
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28.07.16 1:09:07
Handling Multitude of Nash Equilibria in Voting Games
Handling Multitude of Nash Equilibria in Voting Games Following an introduction to voting and to the Nash equilibrium concept we will present two papers which attempt to deal with the multitude of
28.07.16 1:28:56
Towards Verification of Behavioral Software Contracts
The past two decades have seen two parallel trends in software development: the increased use of linguistic tools to rigorously ensure the reliability of software, and the rise of higher-order
28.07.16 1:14:04
Quantum Computation for Quantum Chemistry: Status, Challenges and Prospects - Session 5
9:00AM�9:30AM Quantum Computing: A Short Tutorial Speaker: Krysta Svore, Microsoft Research QuArC Bio: Krysta Svore is a Researcher in the Quantum Architectures and Computation Group (QuArC) at
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28.07.16 1:09:27
Markov Type and the Multi-scale Geometry of Metric Spaces - How Well Can Martingales Aim?
The behavior of random walks on metric spaces can sometimes be understood by embedding such a walk into a nicer space (e.g. a Hilbert space) where the geometry is more readily approachable.
28.07.16 1:13:23
Content Everywhere: The Challenges of a Mobile, Wireless and Social Viewership
Content consumption is moving to the multi-screen and to the device ecosystem of the new wireless landscape.
28.07.16 1:32:10
Computer Aided Translation
Despite all the recent successes of machine translation, when it comes to high quality publishable translation, human translators are still unchallenged.
1 805
28.07.16 49:46
Inference and Learning with Random Maximum A-Posteriori Perturbations
Learning and inference in complex models drives much of the research in machine learning applications, from computer vision, natural language processing, to computational biology.
28.07.16 1:23:33
9.5 Theses on the Power and Efficacy of Gamification
�Gamification� is: hot, hyped, oversold, misunderstood, unavoidable, a buzzword, a question mark, a quick fix, a huge unfulfilled potential.
28.07.16 1:09:39
Innovation in Open Networks and the MIT Media Lab
The combination of Moore's law and the Internet has changed everything.
28.07.16 1:03:23
From C/C++11 to Power and ARM: What is Shared-Memory Concurrency Anyway?
Shared-memory concurrent programming and verification traditionally assumes Sequential Consistency, but real-world hardware only provides relaxed consistency models.
28.07.16 48:56
Semantic Awareness for Automatic Image Interpretation
Albrecht Lindner is a PhD student in the School of Computer and Communication Sciences at EPFL (Switzerland) under the supervision of Prof. Sabine S�sstrunk.
28.07.16 1:08:06
Overview of �Big Data� Research at TU Berlin
Intro - By Volker Markl Part 1 - Query Optimization with MapReduce Functions, Kostas Tzoumas Abstract: Many systems for big data analytics employ a data flow programming abstraction to define
28.07.16 1:00:21
Information Extraction Crossing Language, Robustness and Domain Barriers
Modern communication technologies have made massive amounts of real-time news information in several languages readily available.
28.07.16 1:36:17
HMM-based Speech Synthesis: Fundamentals and Its Recent Advances
The task of speech synthesis is to convert normal language text into speech.
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28.07.16 1:07:12
Embedded Systems and Kinetic Art: A Natural Collaboration
There is an explosion of interest currently in exploring arts and technology connections: new media, digital media, kinetic art, new frontiers, emergent media, interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary
28.07.16 1:13:01
Grand Challenges of Human-Robot Interaction in Space
From the capture and return of an asteroid, to the orbital assembly of space vehicles, robots play a significant role in nearly every scenario of future space exploration.
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