Microsoft Research

332 тыс
50.5 млн
9 256
24 Окт 2008
22.06.16 23:44
Learning to Control
Learning to Control
22.06.16 18:21
Oral Session: Deep Visual Analogy-Making
In addition to identifying the content within a single image, relating images and generating related images are critical tasks for image understanding.
22.06.16 34:50
Symposium: Brains, Minds and Machines - Joshua Tenenbaum
Building Machines That Learn like Humans What is the essence of human intelligence — what makes any human child smarter than any artificial intelligence system that has ever been built?
22.06.16 15:58
Oral Session: Probabilistic Line Searches for Stochastic Optimization
In deterministic optimization, line searches are a standard tool ensuring stability and efficiency.
22.06.16 1:03:10
Intelligent Control of Crowdsourcing
Crowd-sourcing labor markets (e.g., Amazon Mechanical Turk) are booming, because they enable rapid construction of complex workflows that seamlessly mix human computation with computer automation.
22.06.16 27:33
Python+Machine Learning tutorial - Data munging for predictive modeling with pandas and scikit-learn
Building predictive models first requires shaping the data into the right format to meet the mathematical assumptions of machine learning algorithms.
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22.06.16 21:27
Oral Session: Efficient Exact Gradient Update for training Deep Networks with Large Sparse Targets
An important class of problems involves training deep neural networks with sparse prediction targets of very high dimension D. These occur naturally in e.g.
22.06.16 35:58
IMS-Microsoft Research Workshop: Foundations of Data Science - Cyberspace, the Final Frontier
Amy Braverman Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology Session Chair Intro: Data Science Challenges in Earth and Space Science George Djorgovski California Institute of
22.06.16 58:51
Bringing Harmony Through AI and Economics
The alliance between AI and economics is making an ever-growing societal impact.
22.06.16 1:09:36
A Greater Light to Rule the Day: The Sun, the Stars, and Climate Change
Our seemingly steady Sun is a variable and violent place, with its activity rising and falling roughly every 11 years, most notably manifested as the sunspot cycle.
22.06.16 59:23
Towards Cross-fertilization Between Propositional Satisfiability and Data Mining
In this talk, we overview our contribution to data mining and more generally to the cross-fertilization between data mining and propositional satisfiability (
22.06.16 42:33
Surface Hub + Kinect: Interaction Beyond Touch and Collaboration Beyond Video Chat
Large displays are becoming commodity, and more and more, they are touch-enabled.
22.06.16 1:02:55
The Strange Logic of Galton-Watson Trees
The Galton-Watson tree is a basic demographic model. The classic equation for a Galton-Watson tree being infinite has two solutions, only one of which is "correct." What about other properties.
22.06.16 1:02:59
Designing Human Experiences
The Human Experience & Design Group at Cambridge designs and fabricates new human experiences with computing.
22.06.16 1:05:22
Mobile Sensor Big Data Challenges in Realizing Precision Medicine
National Center of Excellence for Mobile Sensor Data-to-Knowledge (MD2K) is one of the 11 national Centers of Excellence funded by the Big Data-to-knowledge (BD2K) program of the National Institutes
22.06.16 40:54
The Physical Web
The Physical Web is an effort to extend the core superpower of the web - the URL - to everyday physical objects.
22.06.16 53:15
The Future of interaction design - Off the screen and into our lives
Humans are physical beings and we think with more than just our brains. We use our bodies to communicate, to process the world and to learn.
22.06.16 1:28:52
Towards Understandable Neural Networks for High Level AI Tasks; Part 2
Towards Understandable Neural Networks for High Level AI Tasks; Part 2
22.06.16 30:07
WIPTTE: Sponsor Talks - Sway: Modern Content for Modern Devices
2:30 pm - 3:00 pm Chris Pratley - Sway: Modern Content for Modern Devices
22.06.16 28:52
WIPTTE: Sponsor Talks: Microsoft Research Demos on Surface
3:30 pm – 4:00 pm Steven Drucker, Dave Brown: Microsoft Research Demos on Surface
22.06.16 57:55
Maximal Bounds on Cartesian Powers of Finite Graphs
In the course of their work on the Unique Games Conjecture, Harrow, Kolla, and Schulman proved that the spherical maximal averaging operator on the hypercube satisfies an L 2 bound independent of
22.06.16 20:11
Tracking State in Spoken Dialogue.
Applications with voice interfaces often work in a "one-shot" manner: the user makes a request, the system carries out the request (if it has been understood) and then the dialogue state is reset.
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22.06.16 52:14
Nature in the City: Changes in Bangalore over Time and Space
Nature in the City examines the past, present, and future of nature in Bangalore, one of India's largest cities. Though threatened, nature in the city exhibits a remarkable tenacity.
22.06.16 47:52
National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA)
join National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA) and Microsoft host Monica Rosenberg for an exploration of our continued efforts to help protect, connect and restore our iconic parks and
22.06.16 1:26:42
Future Microprocessors Driven by Dataflow Principles
Architects and the semiconductor industry as a whole is faced with a unique challenge of improving performance and reducing power consumption of future microprocessors with almost no gain coming
22.06.16 2:20
3D Gesture Recognition through RF Sensing
This is a demonstration of a new technology that can add proximity sensing to touch sensors. Therefore, it allows interacting with devices with 3D gestures.
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22.06.16 56:45
Unsupervised Latent Faults Detection in Data Centers
This talk will review our ongoing work on unsupervised latent fault detection in large scale data centers, such as those used cloud services, supercomputers, and compute clusters.
22.06.16 25:59
Connecting Environmental and Computer Science
Lucas Joppa is a scientist in the Computational Ecology and Environmental Science group at Microsoft Research.
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22.06.16 1:04:28
Why Visualization? Task Abstraction for Analysis and Design
People use visualization techniques, tools, and artefacts to consume and produce information relevant to many different application domains or use cases.
22.06.16 1:28:58
Inter-Active Learning with Queries on Instances and Features
In this talk, I will discuss a few projects aimed at "closing the loop" for interactive natural language annotation and learning.
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