Microsoft Research

332 тыс
50.5 млн
9 256
24 Окт 2008
22.06.16 1:06:53
Speaker Diarization: Optimal Clustering and Learning Speaker Embeddings
Speaker diarization consist of automatically partitioning an input audio stream into homogeneous segments (segmentation) and assigning these segments to the same speaker (speaker clustering).
22.06.16 3:25
Hackathon: Eye Gaze Wheelchair
In July 2014, a group of Microsoft employees got together to control an electric wheelchair via eye gaze.
22.06.16 53:40
Machine-Checked Correctness and Complexity of a Union-Find Implementation
Union-Find is a famous example of a simple data structure whose amortized asymptotic time complexity analysis is non-trivial.
22.06.16 1:05
Query formulation with Query Auto Completion
Example query formulation session from the eye-tracking study described in our CIKM 2014 paper "An Eye-tracking Study of User Interactions with Query Auto Completion".
22.06.16 1:00:53
Modern Deep Learning through Bayesian Eyes
Bayesian models are rooted in Bayesian statistics, and easily benefit from the vast literature in the field. In contrast, deep learning lacks a solid mathematical grounding.
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22.06.16 1:25:19
Crowdsourcing Audio Production Interfaces
Potential users of audio production software, such as audio equalizers, may be discouraged by the complexity of the interface and a lack of clear affordances in typical interfaces.
22.06.16 24:24
Symposium: Algorithms Among Us - Ian Kerr
Ian Kerr – Presentation on legal issues.
22.06.16 59:26
Opportunities and Challenges in Global Network Cameras
Millions of network cameras have been deployed.
22.06.16 19:53
Symposium: Algorithms Among Us - Erik Brynjolfsson
Erik Brynjolfsson – Presentation on economic issues.
22.06.16 52:44
System and Toolchain Support for Reliable Intermittent Computing
Emerging energy-harvesting devices (EHDs) are computer systems that operate using energy extracted from their environment, even from low-power sources like ambient radio-frequency energy.
22.06.16 1:16:03
Threshold phenomena and social choice
A profile is a sequence of order relations on a set of m alternatives. A social choice is a map from the set of profiles to the set of asymmetric relations on the alternatives.
22.06.16 59:05
Rethinking Storage and Networking in Next Generation Racks
A standard data center rack today is composed of shared-nothing commodity servers.
22.06.16 1:20:04
Provable Algorithms for Learning Neural Networks
We study the learning of fully connected neural networks for binary classification.
22.06.16 1:15:48
Towards Understandable Neural Networks for High Level AI Tasks
Current AI software relies increasingly on neural networks (NNs).
22.06.16 50:50
Welcome and Keynote - Geoff Bilder, Director of Strategic Initiatives at CrossRef
If we funded and ran physical infrastructure the way we fund and run scholarly cyberinfrastructure, the lights and water would go out every grant cycle and we would have architects bidding to build
22.06.16 41:05
Symposium: Brains, Minds and Machines - Surya Ganguli
Towards Glimpses of a New Science of Brains, Minds and Machines: Weaving Together Physics, Computer Science, and Neurobiology Our neural circuits exploit the laws of physics to perform computations
22.06.16 22:12
Symposium: Deep Learning - Xiaogang Wang
Deeply Learned Face Representation - Xiaogang Wang
22.06.16 21:53
Oral Session: Interactive Control of Diverse Complex Characters with Neural Networks
We present a method for training recurrent neural networks to act as near-optimal feedback controllers.
22.06.16 19:54
Oral Session: Solving Random Quadratic Systems of Equations-Nearly as Easy as Solving Linear Systems
This paper is concerned with finding a solution x to a quadratic system of equations y_i = |< a_i, x >|^2, i = 1, 2, ..., m.
22.06.16 1:36:22
Towards Understandable Neural Networks for High Level AI Tasks - Part 7
Relating tensor product representations to lamda-calculus, tree-adjoining grammars, other 'vector symbolic architectures', and the brain - Part 7 Topics that will be discussed in this final lecture
22.06.16 1:01:05
The Once and Future Internet
“The Once and Future Internet,” with apologies to T. H. White.
22.06.16 1:13:33
The First Order World of Galton-Watson Trees
The First Order World of Galton-Watson Trees
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22.06.16 1:03:25
Verasco, a formally verified C static analyzer
This talk will present the design and soundness proof of Verasco, a formally verified static analyzer for most of the ISO C99 language (excluding recursion and dynamic allocation), developed using
22.06.16 20:09
Symposium: Deep Learning - Max Jaderberg
Spatial Transformer Networks - Max Jaderberg
22.06.16 54:08
Satisfiability of Ordering CSPs Above Average Is Fixed-Parameter Tractable
We study the satisfiability of ordering constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs) above average.
22.06.16 20:52
Symposium: Deep Learning - Harri Valpola
Semi-Supervised Learning with Ladder Networks - Harri Valpola
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22.06.16 59:36
Machine Learning as Creative Tool for Designing Real-Time Expressive Interactions
Supervised learning algorithms can be understood not only as a set of techniques for building accurate models of data, but also as design tools that can enable rapid prototyping, iterative
22.06.16 22:26
Symposium: Deep Learning - Sergey Ioffe
Batch Normalization - Sergey Ioffe
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22.06.16 1:27:42
Multi-rate neural networks for efficient acoustic modeling
In sequence recognition, the problem of long-span dependency in input sequences is typically tackled using recurrent neural network architectures, and robustness to sequential distortions is
22.06.16 50:32
Robust Spectral Inference for Joint Stochastic Matrix Factorization and Topic Modeling
Spectral inference provides fast algorithms and provable optimality for latent topic analysis.
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