Microsoft Research

332 тыс
50.5 млн
9 256
24 Окт 2008
22.06.16 1:30:10
The State of Techniques for Solving Large Imperfect-Information Games, Including Poker
The ability to computationally solve imperfect-information games has a myriad of future applications ranging from auctions, negotiations, and (cyber)security settings to medical domains.
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22.06.16 1:01:13
Crossing between Reality and Virtuality – On Virtual Touring of Dunhuang Art
With the rapid advance of new technologies, human will soon be able to cross the boundary between the reality and virtuality easily.
22.06.16 53:09
UW - MSR Machine Learning workshop 2015 - Session 5
15:30Towards Usable Machine Learning - Saleema Amershi People are integrally involved in the practice of machine learning, from providing machine learning algorithms with relevant data to examining
22.06.16 57:45
Capturing and simulating the interaction of light with the world around us.
Driven by the increasing demand for photorealistic computer-generated images, graphics is currently undergoing a substantial transformation to physics-based approaches which carefully process visual
22.06.16 1:31:18
Universal Design: How to Attract More Diverse Researchers
The world is moving to create buildings, products, devices, services, and real and virtual environments that are more universally designed.
22.06.16 58:22
Generative Models for Shape and Appearance
I will present recent work from SIGGRAPH and CVPR.
22.06.16 1:03:12
Learning and Efficiency in Games with Dynamic Population
Selfish behavior can often lead to suboptimal outcome for all participants.
22.06.16 35:10
Welcome and Overview of the Azure ML Workshop
Welcome and Overview of the Azure ML Workshop
22.06.16 39:23
A Brief History of Type (and some creepy crawlies)
A Brief History of Type (and some creepy crawlies)
22.06.16 32:40
UW - MSR Machine Learning workshop 2015 - Session 2
11:00 Sure Screening for Guassian Graphical Models - Daniela Witten In an undirected graphical model, the nodes represent random variables, and an edge represents conditional dependence between the
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22.06.16 59:02
Supporting the Mobile Nomadic User through Projected User Interfaces
To maintain a mobile form factor, the screen size of mobile devices can only increase so much.
22.06.16 54:03
Technology & Economics: Real-Time Ad Bidding and Personal Surveillance
Internet advertisers reach millions of customers through practices that involve real time tracking of users’ online activities.
22.06.16 56:23
Game Theory Considerations in Computational Sustainability
In this talk I will discuss two recent works on applying game theory for computational sustainability. The first one is on taxi system efficiency optimization.
22.06.16 37:00
Computational Ideas and the Theory of Evolution
Computational Ideas and the Theory of Evolution
22.06.16 1:03:43
Revenue Maximization in Interdependent Value Settings
A fundamental assumption underlying much of mechanism design is that buyers know their values for the products they are interested in.
22.06.16 59:26
Towards Next Generation 3D Cameras
We are in the midst of a 3D revolution. Robots enabled by 3D cameras are beginning to autonomously drive cars, perform surgeries, and manage factories.
22.06.16 32:17
WIPTTE: Sponsor Talks - OneNote: New Developments
3:00 pm – 3:30 pm Mike Tholfsen
22.06.16 28:37
WIPTTE: Sponsor Talks - Office Mix
2:00pm - 2:30pm Anoop Gupta - Office Mix: Interactive Online Presentations Made Simple
22.06.16 51:44
Economics of Repeated Sales
A special case of Myerson's classic result describes the revenue-optimal equilibrium when a seller offers a single item to a buyer.
22.06.16 35:15
WIPTTE: Creating the Future of Ink
Digital pen and ink are becoming mainstream. Multiple popular pen-based tablets have generated awareness of the creative potential in digital ink.
22.06.16 45:11
Blind Deconvolution Using Unconventional Beamforming
When an acoustic wave travels in a medium which encounters the boundary of a second medium, recorded signals by a receiver array (an array of microphones or hydrophones) is commonly distorted by
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22.06.16 1:37:49
Social Media Platforms and the Curation of Public Culture
Media sociologists have long studied the role that private, commercial media providers play in shaping public culture.
22.06.16 57:33
Context-aware programming languages
Modern computer programs do not run in the void. They run in rich environments that provide important data sources, services and other functionality that is required by the programs.
22.06.16 1:00:50
Supporting Proxemic Interactions with Multi-Scale Electric Field Sensing
Electric field sensing is the basis for many unobtrusive user interfaces that measure the proximity to objects and humans.
22.06.16 34:24
Tsunami or Sea Change? Responding to the Explosion of Student Interest in Computer Science
In the US, student demand for computer science is booming: demand for introductory courses; demand for the major; demand for upper-division and graduate courses by non-majors.
22.06.16 1:03:03
IEEE Power Engineering Society
Electric vehicles (EVs) can be effectively integrated with the power grid through vehicle-to-grid (V2G).
22.06.16 57:28
Cutting tail latency in cloud data stores via adaptive replica selection
Achieving predictable performance is critical for many distributed applications, yet difficult to achieve due to many factors that skew the tail of the latency distribution even in well-provisioned
22.06.16 1:04:10
Discursis: A Computational Methodology for the Analysis of Communication Data
Discursis is a new communication analytic technology that allows an analyst to visually examine and assess text based communication data.
22.06.16 1:07:58
Change Dyslexia: Early Detection and Intervention at Large Scale
More than 10% of the population has dyslexia, and most are diagnosed only after they fail in school.
22.06.16 50:17
Contextualised interaction in and with our environment
Human behavior is in synergy with the environment we live in.
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