Microsoft Research

332 тыс
50.5 млн
9 256
24 Окт 2008
22.06.16 1:29:50
Big Data and Bayesian Nonparametrics
Big Data is often characterized by large sample sizes, high dimensions, and strange variable distributions.
2 421
22.06.16 1:02:28
Separation between Estimation and Approximation
We show (under standard assumptions) that there are NP optimization problems for which estimation is easier than approximation.
22.06.16 1:10:57
Information Geometry
This tutorial will focus on entropy, exponential families, and information projection. We'll start by seeing the sense in which entropy is the only reasonable definition of randomness.
11 947
22.06.16 1:07:27
Data Visualization, Transformation and Feature Selection
Data Visualization, Transformation and Feature Selection
22.06.16 1:10:11
From Data to Stories: What Making a Billion Charts Has Taught Me about the World
In this talk I will present five big data visualization engines created by The Macro Connections group at The MIT Media Lab and I will show how I have used these visualizations to improve our
22.06.16 49:33
Controlled Data Sharing for Collaborative Predictive Blacklisting
Although sharing data across organizations is often advocated as a promising way to enhance cybersecurity, collaborative initiatives are rarely put into practice owing to confidentiality, trust, and
22.06.16 28:38
Stuff machine learning, let’s talk about climate change.
I’ll talk about some recent bits of climate science that I find interesting.
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22.06.16 1:29:10
Computer Vision and Intelligent Services
Recent advances in image understanding have opened many avenues for computer vision-based intelligent services.
22.06.16 33:34
ChronoZoom Prototype for Museums
ChronoZoom is an open-source community project dedicated to visualizing the history of everything.
22.06.16 34:14
Data Science Summer School 2015- The Cost of Public School
New York City is home to the largest public school system in the country, which contains some of the best and worst schools in the state.
22.06.16 47:11
Computer Vision: New and Renewed Opportunities
Computer Vision: New and Renewed Opportunities
22.06.16 59:46
Compositional Models
This talk gives an overview of recent work which addresses different computer vision tasks. It describes a research strategy based on compositional models.
22.06.16 32:47
Method of Data Ingress and Egress
Method of Data Ingress and Egress
3 193
22.06.16 1:02:31
Lab Tutorial: Towards Open-domain Spoken Dialogue Systems
Virtually all current spoken dialogue systems are designed to operate in either a specific carefully defined domain such as restaurant information and appointment booking, or they have very limited
1 232
22.06.16 1:00:31
BetrFS: A Right-Optimized Write-Optimized File System
This talk will describe BetrFS, a file system built on B epsilon -trees, a Write-Optimized Data Structure (WODS).
2 825
22.06.16 54:44
UW - MSR Machine Learning workshop 2015 - Session 3
13:00Delay-Tolerant Algorithms for Asynchronous Distributed Online Learning - Brendan McMahan We analyze new online gradient descent algorithms for distributed systems with large delays between
22.06.16 1:25:39
Commonsense and World Knowledge
Everyday intelligence relies on a large store of background—or "common sense"—knowledge about the world.
2 406
22.06.16 59:27
Deterministic Replay as a Platform for Understanding Dynamic Behaviors in Web Programs
The web is the most successful open application platform, where anyone can inspect a live application to see how it works.
22.06.16 28:13
Privacy in Context
Big data equals Big Brother? The big data explosion forces us to confront the privacy implications of this wide-ranging societal change.
22.06.16 1:29:19
MSR Talk Series: Visualization Analysis and Design
Biomaterials Computer-based visualization (vis) systems provide visual >representations of datasets designed to help people carry out tasks more effectively.
22.06.16 57:12
Predictable Data Centers
Predictable Data Centers
22.06.16 49:30
Creating a branded platform for expert crowdsourced proofreading and copy-editing
The idea of Wordy is to make it easier, faster and cheaper to produce and distribute easier-to-digest high-value content, by making expert proofreaders and copy-editors instantly available to clients.
22.06.16 1:02:43
Crowd-Agents: Creating Crowd-Powered Interactive Systems
I create and deploy interactive systems that use a combination of human and machine intelligence to operate robustly in real-world settings.
22.06.16 55:34
Predictable and Dependable Low-power Wireless Networks
By integrating components for sensing, communicating, computing, and actuating, Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) enable applications to monitor and control physical processes.
22.06.16 54:57
Interacting with Infrastructure: Home Networking and Beyond
Does your home network work, the way you want it to, every day? Does your parents'? Your neighbours'?
22.06.16 18:06
Approximations for stochastic graph rewriting
Approximations for stochastic graph rewriting
22.06.16 53:04
Plug into the Supercloud
Cloud computing is often compared to the power utility model as part of a trend towards the commoditization of computing resources.
22.06.16 18:14
Probabilistic Programs as Spreadsheet Queries
We describe the design, semantics, and implementation of a probabilistic programming language where programs are spreadsheet queries.
22.06.16 21:46
Variational Gaussian Process State-Space Models.
State-space models have been successfully used for more than fifty years in different areas of science and engineering.
2 584
22.06.16 47:11
An Azure-Based Framework for Modeling and Monitoring Changes in Arctic Snow and Ice
Changes in polar snow and ice are rapidly altering the timing and magnitude of freshwater delivery to the ocean, with impacts on near-shore ecosystems, transportation and energy infrastructure, and
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