From Data to Stories: What Making a Billion Charts Has Taught Me about the World

Опубликовано 22 июня 2016, 1:12
In this talk I will present five big data visualization engines created by The Macro Connections group at The MIT Media Lab and I will show how I have used these visualizations to improve our understanding of economic development, cultural production, and cities. The data visualization engines are (i) the Observatory of Economic Complexity ( comprehensive tool for exploring international trade data--(ii) DataViva ( high-resolution visualization engine of the entire economy of Brazil--(iii) Pantheon ( project exploring cultural production and collective memory; (iv) Immersion (, a tool that creates a visual interface for email centered on people rather than on messages; and (v) Place Pulse and StreetScore ( & a data collection/computer vision project that is helping us understand the aesthetic capital of cities.