Microsoft Research

332 тыс
50.5 млн
9 256
24 Окт 2008
13.06.16 52:44
System and Toolchain Support for Reliable Intermittent Computing
Emerging energy-harvesting devices (EHDs) are computer systems that operate using energy extracted from their environment, even from low-power sources like ambient radio-frequency energy.
13.06.16 1:21:13
Gates Foundation Presents: Crucial Areas of Fintech Innovation for the Bottom of the Pyramid
The promise and scale of mobile money has ignited huge interest in digital finance products in emerging markets, and is genuinely transforming these countries by providing access to formal financial
13.06.16 8:45
Social Computing Symposium 2016: Harassment, Threats, Trolling Online, Diversity in Gaming is Vital
A brief talk on why diversity in games is more than a buzzword and should be a consideration from day one of development.
13.06.16 58:51
Bringing Harmony Through AI and Economics
The alliance between AI and economics is making an ever-growing societal impact.
13.06.16 52:42
Approximating Integer Programming Problems by Partial Resampling
A common technique for solving integer programming problems is to first relax the problem to a linear program, in which the assignments may be fractional.
13.06.16 47:47
A Lasserre-Based (1+epsilon)-Approximation for Makespan Scheduling with Precedence Constraints
In a classical problem in scheduling, one has n unit size jobs with a precedence order and the goal is to find a schedule of those jobs on m identical machines as to minimize the makespan.
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13.06.16 1:36:22
Towards Understandable Neural Networks for High Level AI Tasks - Part 7
Relating tensor product representations to lamda-calculus, tree-adjoining grammars, other 'vector symbolic architectures', and the brain - Part 7 Topics that will be discussed in this final lecture
13.06.16 1:03:25
Verasco, a formally verified C static analyzer
This talk will present the design and soundness proof of Verasco, a formally verified static analyzer for most of the ISO C99 language (excluding recursion and dynamic allocation), developed using
13.06.16 1:26:42
Future Microprocessors Driven by Dataflow Principles
Architects and the semiconductor industry as a whole is faced with a unique challenge of improving performance and reducing power consumption of future microprocessors with almost no gain coming
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13.06.16 1:01:51
Theory and Experiments on the Spontaneous Evolution of Culture
Social conventions are the foundation of social cooperation and productive economic activity, yet very little is known about how and when they form.
13.06.16 1:23:46
Single-shot error correction with the gauge color code
The gauge color code is a quantum error-correcting code with local syndrome measurements that, remarkably, admits a universal transversal gate set without the need for resource-intensive magic state
13.06.16 50:32
Robust Spectral Inference for Joint Stochastic Matrix Factorization and Topic Modeling
Spectral inference provides fast algorithms and provable optimality for latent topic analysis.
13.06.16 1:21:05
How Much Information Does a Human Translator Add to the Original and Multi-Source Neural Translation
How Much Information Does a Human Translator Add to the Original and Multi-Source Neural Translation?
13.06.16 59:26
Opportunities and Challenges in Global Network Cameras
Millions of network cameras have been deployed.
13.06.16 52:14
Nature in the City: Changes in Bangalore over Time and Space
Nature in the City examines the past, present, and future of nature in Bangalore, one of India's largest cities. Though threatened, nature in the city exhibits a remarkable tenacity.
13.06.16 1:02:13
Making Small Spaces Feel Large: Practical Illusions in Virtual Reality
Over the past few years, virtual reality has experienced a remarkable resurgence.
1 738
13.06.16 59:36
Machine Learning as Creative Tool for Designing Real-Time Expressive Interactions
Supervised learning algorithms can be understood not only as a set of techniques for building accurate models of data, but also as design tools that can enable rapid prototyping, iterative
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13.06.16 40:14
Recent Developments in Combinatorial Optimization
In the past several years, there has been a lot of progress on combinatorial optimization.
2 364
13.06.16 1:03:30
Computational Limits in Statistical Inference: Hidden Cliques and Sum of Squares
Characterizing the computational complexity of statistical inference problems is an outstanding open problem.
13.06.16 46:13
Coloring the Universe: An Insider's Look at Making Spectacular Images of Space
Coloring the Universe: Many images of the Universe are spectacular, but are they "real"?
13.06.16 1:37:32
Towards Understandable Neural Networks for High Level AI Tasks - Part 6
Encoding discrete symbol structures as numerical vectors for neural network computation enables the similarity structure inherent in vectorial representations to yield generalizations that reflect
13.06.16 1:19:29
The 37th UW/MS Symposium in Computational Linguistics
Two talks from the 37th UW/MS Symposium in Computational Linguistics are featured: Using IGT with INTENT: Automatically Enriching Interlinear Glossed Text (IGT) and Discovering Outcomes via
13.06.16 1:31:56
The Linear Algebraic Structure of Word Meanings
Word embeddings are often constructed with discriminative models such as deep nets and word2vec.
13.06.16 1:39:55
Machine Learning Algorithms Workshop
Logarithmic Time Online Multiclass prediction: We study the problem of multiclass classification with an extremely large number of classes (k), with the goal of obtaining train and test time
1 644
13.06.16 1:15:09
Interactive and Interpretable Machine Learning Models for Human Machine Collaboration
I envision a system that enables successful collaborations between humans and machine learning models by harnessing the relative strength to accomplish what neither can do alone.
4 935
13.06.16 1:10:37
Improving Access to Clinical Data Locked in Narrative Reports: An Informatics Approach
What symptoms are associated with the patient's genotype? Did patients treated with medication fare better than patients treated surgically?
13.06.16 59:01
Representation Power of Neural Networks
This talk will survey a variety of classical results on the representation power of neural networks, and then close with a new result separating shallow and deep networks: namely, there exist
1 126
13.06.16 1:25:19
Green Security Games
Security is a global concern, requiring efficient, randomized allocation and scheduling of limited security resources.
13.06.16 1:09:04
e-NABLE: A Global Network of Digital Humanitarians on an Infrastructure of Electronic Communications
e-NABLE is an online community that designs, customizes, fabricates, and disseminates 3D-printed prosthetic hands and arms for free.
10.06.16 3:54
Microsoft Research New England: An introduction
Microsoft Research New England focuses on interdisciplinary work, integrating the more mathematical and algorithmic sciences with both the social sciences and aspects of the biomedical sciences.
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