Microsoft Research

330 тыс
50.3 млн
9 254
24 Окт 2008
04.01.17 19:45
Factored Dialog Learning
Modern statistical machine learning (SML) methods share a major limitation with the early approaches to AI: there is no scalable way to adapt them to new domains.
04.01.17 17:39
Teacher Assisted Learning
Modern statistical machine learning (SML) methods share a major limitation with the early approaches to AI: there is no scalable way to adapt them to new domains.
30.12.16 5:07
High Performance Imaging Using Large Camera Arrays
The advent of inexpensive digital image sensors, and the ability to create photographs that combine information from a number of sensed images, is changing the way we think about photography.
1 782
30.12.16 5:00
Natural Video Matting using Camera Arrays
We present an algorithm and a system for high-quality natural video matting using a camera array.
6 593
30.12.16 3:08
Exploring Defocus Matting: Non-Parametric Acceleration, Super-Resolution, and Off-Center Matting
Defocus matting is a fully automatic and passive method for pulling mattes from video captured with coaxial cameras that have different depths of field and planes of focus.
30.12.16 4:09
Shape from Varying Illumination and Viewpoint
We address the problem of reconstructing the 3-D shape of a Lambertian surface from multiple images acquired as an object rotates under distant and possibly varying illumination.
30.12.16 4:46
Synthetic Aperture Tracking: Tracking through Occlusions
Occlusion is a significant challenge for many tracking algorithms.
2 654
30.12.16 3:49
Personal Photo Enhancement Using Example Images
We describe a framework for improving the quality of personal photos by using a person's favorite photographs as examples.
30.12.16 5:27
Automated Video Looping with Progressive Dynamism
Given a short video we create a representation that captures a spectrum of looping videos with varying levels of dynamism, ranging from a static image to a highly animated loop.
1 746
30.12.16 4:42
Interactively Stylizing Camera Motion
Movie directors and cinematographers impart style onto video using techniques that are learned through years of experience: camera movement, framing, color, lighting, etc.
30.12.16 5:00
Real-Time Hyperlapse Creation Via Optimal Frame Selection
Long videos can be played much faster than real-time by recording only one frame per second or by dropping all but one frame each second, i.e., by creating a timelapse.
30.12.16 5:00
SubEdit: A Representation for Editing Measured Heterogeneous Subsurface Scattering
In this paper we present SubEdit, a representation for editing the BSSRDF of heterogeneous subsurface scattering acquired from real-world samples.
29.12.16 4:22
Printing Spatially-Varying Reflectance for Reproducing HDR Images
We present a solution for viewing high dynamic range (HDR) images with spatially-varying distributions of glossy materials printed on reflective media.
29.12.16 4:59
Lazy Solid Texture Synthesis
Existing solid texture synthesis algorithms generate a full volume of color content from a set of 2D example images.
1 063
29.12.16 4:23
Kernel Nyström Method for Light Transport
We propose a kernel Nyström method for reconstructing the light transport matrix from a relatively small number of acquired images.
1 064
29.12.16 0:55
Image‐based Material Weathering
The appearance manifold [WTL*06] is an efficient approach for modeling and editing time-variant appearance of materials from the BRDF data captured at single time instance.
29.12.16 4:07
Fabricating Spatially-Varying Subsurface Scattering
Many real world surfaces exhibit translucent appearance due to subsurface scattering.
29.12.16 5:00
Global Illumination with Radiance Regression Functions
We present radiance regression functions for fast rendering of global illumination in scenes with dynamic local light sources.
3 266
29.12.16 4:38
Sensitivity-Optimized Rigging for Example-Based Real-Time Clothing Synthesis
We present a real-time solution for generating detailed clothing deformations from pre-computed clothing shape examples.
29.12.16 1:44
Edit Propagation on Bidirectional Texture Functions
We propose an efficient method for editing bidirectional texture functions (BTFs) based on edit propagation scheme. In our approach, users specify sparse edits on a certain slice of BTF.
29.12.16 3:52
Dynamic Hair Capture using Spacetime Optimization
Dynamic hair strands have complex structures and experience intricate collisions and occlusion, posing significant challenges for high-quality reconstruction of their motions.
2 824
29.12.16 5:01
Dynamic Element Textures
Many natural phenomena consist of geometric elements with dynamic motions characterized by small scale repetitions over large scale structures, such as particles, herds, threads, and sheets.
29.12.16 5:00
Discrete Element Textures
A variety of phenomena can be characterized by repetitive small scale elements within a large scale domain. Examples include a stack of fresh produce, a plate of spaghetti, or a mosaic pattern.
28.12.16 1:44
Diffusion Curve Textures for Resolution Independent Texture Mapping
We introduce a vector representation called diffusion curve textures for mapping diffusion curve images (DCI) onto arbitrary surfaces.
28.12.16 3:17
Cost-effective Printing of 3D Objects with Skin-Frame Structures
3D printers have become popular in recent years and enable fabrication of custom objects for home users. However, the cost of the material used in printing remains high.
28.12.16 3:29
Controllable Hand Deformation from Sparse Examples with Rich Details
Recent advances in laser scanning technology have made it possible to faithfully scan a real object with tiny geometric details, such as pores and wrinkles.
28.12.16 6:21
BodyAvatar: Creating Freeform 3D Avatars Person Body Gestures
BodyAvatar is a Kinect-based interactive system that allows users without professional skills to create freeform 3D avatars using body gestures.
28.12.16 4:59
Bi-Scale Appearance Fabrication
Surfaces in the real world exhibit complex appearance due to spatial variations in both their reflectance and local shading frames (i.e.
28.12.16 5:30
Automatic Acquisition of High-fidelity Facial Performances Using Monocular Videos
This paper presents a facial performance capture system that automatically captures high-fidelity facial performances using uncontrolled monocular videos (e.g., Internet videos).
1 058
28.12.16 3:17
AppWarp: Retargeting Measured Materials by Appearance-Space Warping
We propose a method for retargeting measured materials, where a source measured material is edited by applying the reflectance functions of a template measured dataset.
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