Personal Photo Enhancement Using Example Images

Опубликовано 30 декабря 2016, 19:58
We describe a framework for improving the quality of personal photos by using a person's favorite photographs as examples. We observe that the majority of a person's photographs include the faces of a photographer's family and friends and often the errors in these photographs are the most disconcerting. We focus on correcting these types of images and use common faces across images to automatically perform both global and face-specific corrections. Our system achieves this by using face detection to align faces between “good” and “bad” photos such that properties of the good examples can be used to correct a bad photo. These “personal” photos provide strong guidance for a number of operations and, as a result, enable a number of high-quality image processing operations. We illustrate the power and generality of our approach by presenting a novel deblurring algorithm, and we show corrections that perform sharpening, superresolution, in-painting of over- and underexposured regions, and white-balancing.