Microsoft Research

330 тыс
50.3 млн
9 254
24 Окт 2008
07.09.16 1:12:24
Stencil Computation Auto-tuning on Modern Multicore Architectures
Understanding the most efficient design and utilization of emerging multicore systems is one of the most challenging questions faced by the mainstream and scientific computing industries in several
07.09.16 47:36
MSPAC Discussion and Book Signing with Senator John Kerry and Teresa Heinz Kerry
Please join the MSPAC for a discussion and book signing with John Kerry and Teresa Heinz Kerry, Tuesday, April 3rd from 10:30am-11:30am in the Elliot and Shilshole rooms of building #36.
07.09.16 1:11:04
Mark-Region and Other Advances in Garbage Collection
Programmers are increasingly choosing managed languages for modern applications, which rely on garbage collection to manage dynamically allocated objects.
07.09.16 1:05:52
The Medea Hypothesis: Is Life on Earth Ultimately Self Destructive?
In looking at the latest discoveries from the geological record, could it be that Earth is its own worst enemy?
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07.09.16 1:03:31
WaveScope: Stream Programming on Heterogeneous Wireless Devices
How do we maintain programmer productivity in an era with an exploding number of networked processing cores and increasing diversity among them?
07.09.16 46:38
Bags of words: the search engine
In this tutorial, I will explain the fundamentals of how current search engines work.
07.09.16 58:03
Intrinsic Robustness of the Price of Anarchy
The price of anarchy, the most popular measure of the inefficiency of selfish behavior, assumes that players successfully reach some Nash equilibrium.
07.09.16 1:07:00
Reach for A*: an Efficient Point-to-Point Shortest Path Algorithm
We study the point-to-point shortest path problem in a setting where preprocessing is allowed. We consider two approaches to the problem. The classical A* search directs the search towards the goal.
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07.09.16 57:56
ABC-MART: Recent Improvements in Boosting, Trees and Classification Algorithms
Jerry Friedman's MART algorithm has had considerable influence in search applications and other classification tasks.
07.09.16 49:43
Contextual Link Analysis for Web Search
Traditional web link-based ranking schemes use a single score to measure a page`s authority without concern for the community from which that authority is derived.
07.09.16 56:27
Intelligent Fault Notification through Understanding Developer Behavior
The earlier in the software development lifecycle that a fault is detected, the cheaper it is to fix.
07.09.16 1:06:21
Scheduling Parallel Functional Programs
Parallelism abounds! To continue to improve performance, programmers must use parallel algorithms to take advantage of multi-core and other parallel architectures.
07.09.16 1:25:45
Denial of Service or Denial of Security? How Attacks on Reliability can Compromise Anonymity
It is often mistakenly thought that Availability is, as a security property, orthogonal to Confidentiality.
07.09.16 57:57
Working at the boundaries: how intersections can inform innovation
This talk is about the spaces between things, and how investigating such spaces can open up new areas for research and technological innovation.
07.09.16 51:51
Chemotaxis. Do we understand it all?
Chemotaxis behavior in microbes constitutes a simple form of behavior, making it an interesting model system to understand molecular basis of decision-making.
07.09.16 46:31
Graphical Models and Statistical Mechanics in Communications and Storage Applications
Many real-world systems in communications (e.g. cellular networks) and storage (e.g. magnetic recording devices) can be modeled as two dimensional grids.
07.09.16 47:31
Model Abstraction Methodology for Temporal Behavior Analysis of Multiscale Biological Systems
As more and more critical biological data become available and as the biological questions being addressed become more and more complex and sophisticated, the complexity to analyze the systems of
07.09.16 1:14:39
Active Learning with Model Selection in Linear Regression
Optimally designing the location of training input points (active learning) and choosing the best model (model selection) are two important components of supervised learning and have been studied
07.09.16 1:02:44
Human-Centered Home Network Research at Georgia Tech
Despite its wide adoption, home networking presents severe hurdles for many users; in fact, home networking equipment is currently the most returned item at `big box` consumer electronics stores.
07.09.16 1:47:37
Imitating the immune system
At CBS, we have during the recent years developed a number of web tools to be used in immunological research.
07.09.16 1:15:07
The Human Experiment: Two Years and Twenty Minutes Inside Biosphere 2           
Constructed between 1987 and 1989 and costing more than $200 million, Biosphere 2 was an experiment to test if and how people could create, live, and work inside a closed biosphere while carrying
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07.09.16 50:29
Structural Abstraction of Software Verification Conditions
Precise software analysis and verification require tracking the exact path along which a statement is executed (path-sensitivity), the different contexts from which a function is called
07.09.16 1:07:31
Behavior-Based Malware Detection [1/19]
In recent years, viruses and worms have started to pose threats at Internet scale in an intelligent, organized manner, enrolling millions of unsuspecting and unprepared PC owners in spamming
07.09.16 55:49
What the Web Means for Science
The web is turning the publishing world upside down, and scientific publishing is no exception.
07.09.16 1:26:21
Textual entailment as a framework for applied semantics
We have recently proposed Recognizing Textual Entailment (RTE) as a generic task that captures major semantic inferences across different natural language processing applications.
07.09.16 57:19
Marrying rely/guarantee and separation logic
In the quest for tractable reasoning methods about concurrent algorithms both rely/guarantee logic and separation logic have made great advances, but neither is the ultimate approach.
07.09.16 1:06:20
Temporal Memory Streaming
While semiconductor scaling has steadily improved processor performance, scaling trends in memory technology have favored improving density over access latency.
07.09.16 1:14:38
Effective Static Race Detection for Java
Concurrent programs are notoriously difficult to write and debug, a problem that is becoming acute as concurrency becomes more common.
07.09.16 1:22:33
Multiprocessor Architectures for Programmability
While multiprocessor hardware is finally becoming ubiquitous, enticing most programmers to write parallel programs is going to be very challenging.
07.09.16 55:10
MLP Talk: Modeling Deformable Surfaces from Single Videos
Without a strong model, 3--D shape recovery of non-rigid surfaces from monocular video sequences is a severely under-constrained problem. Prior models are required to resolve the inherent ambiguities.
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