Human-Centered Home Network Research at Georgia Tech

210 дней – 66910:32
AI Forum 2023 | Opening Remarks
Опубликовано 7 сентября 2016, 17:01
Despite its wide adoption, home networking presents severe hurdles for many users; in fact, home networking equipment is currently the most returned item at `big box` consumer electronics stores. These returns are not because of technical failures, but rather because of a lack of usability of most current products. Research at Georgia Tech is focusing on understanding and addressing the usability challenges of home networking. In this talk, I`ll present an overview of our work, focusing especially on a new type of network appliance we are creating that is intended to provide easier centralized management of the home network. Additionally, I`ll briefly describe a number of other related projects we are working on, including collection and analysis of empirical data around home network usability problems, work in end user-centric network visualization, and some explorations into new form factors and capabilities for home network equipment.
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