What's new for Android TV (Google I/O '17)

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124 дня – 3 6920:59
Fragments in Compose #shorts
Опубликовано 18 мая 2017, 2:57
Developers will learn what’s new with Android TV, from recent system enhancements that help users quickly access relevant content, to an overview of new APIs for developers to build apps for Android TV. This session will cover new APIs, features and also upcoming platform enhancements.

Watch more Android talks at I/O '17 here: goo.gl/c0LWYl
See all the talks from Google I/O '17 here: goo.gl/D0D4VE

Subscribe to the Android channel: goo.gl/GEh1ds

#io17 #GoogleIO #GoogleIO2017 #tv event: Google I/O 2017; re_ty: Publish;