Teachable Machine (PAIR UX Symposium 2018)

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Опубликовано 9 июля 2018, 21:48
Many people are curious about machine learning, and we created the experiment Teachable Machine to make it easier for anyone to start exploring how machine learning works. It's a simple experiment that lets you teach a machine using your camera — live in the browser, no coding required. Using the new library deeplearn.js, it lets you train a neural net right in the browser — locally on your device — without sending any images to a server. During this talk, I'll share more about how Teachable Machine and related AI Experiments were made. I'll explore insights we learned along the way, and how we hope experiments like these can inspire others to create new projects.

Watch the rest of the PAIR UX Symposium talks here → bit.ly/2lMnjyt

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