Top 5 Considerations for Operating a EKS based infrastructure at Scale

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Опубликовано 30 июля 2018, 21:37
Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (Amazon EKS) makes it easy to run Kubernetes on AWS. Join AWS and our container ecosystem partners for a deep dive on Amazon EKS and explore solutions that help extend the capabilities of Kubernetes on AWS. Learn more at

Scaling Kubernetes is easy; however, the ease and speed at which new code can be deployed can lead to difficulties in managing, supporting, and troubleshooting applications. Ephemeral architectures require new ways of handling operational data, that in many cases is very high cardinality, short lived, and frequently iterated. Microservices environments lead to frequent code pushes by larger and larger groups of developers, many of whom do not have previous Ops or code instrumentation experience. SignalFx showcased several demonstrations of monitoring K8 clusters on AWS cloud infrastructure, migrating between instances, deploying new code in a CI/CD pipeline, creating robust statistically powerful alerts, and automating remediation and provisioning of new resources.

Guest: Bryan Jasper, Sr. Solutions Engineer
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