AWS Chicago Summit 2018: How Equinox Fitness Clubs Migrated to a Modern Data Warehouse (BDA307)

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Опубликовано 15 августа 2018, 19:51
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In this session, we provide an update on Amazon Redshift, and look at a case study from Equinox Fitness Clubs. We show you how Amazon Redshift queries data across your data warehouse and data lake, without the need or delay of loading data, to deliver insights you cannot obtain by querying independent data silos. Discover how Equinox Fitness Clubs transitioned from on-premises data warehouses and data marts to a cloud-based, integrated data platform, built on AWS and Amazon Redshift. Learn about their journey from static reports, redundant data, and inefficient data integration to a modern and flexible data lake and data warehouse architecture that delivers dynamic reports based on trusted data.