Nestle’s Chain of Origin Coffee Brings Supply Chain Transparency With Amazon Managed Blockchain

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Опубликовано 13 декабря 2019, 17:03
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Nestlé is a global food and beverage company. Chain of Origin is Nestlé’s answer to complete supply chain transparency from crop to cup, with technology at its heart.

Generally coffee companies go for consistency, uniformity with different beans to get a consistent taste. Now, consumers want to know about the quality of the product, know where it is sourced from, and have a variety of flavors.

AWS has a broad range of purpose-built services that allow organizations like Nestlé to focus on making a difference to the customer experience. Using Amazon Managed Blockchain Nestlé is able to store supply chain transactions in ways that are transparent, immutable, and verifiable to allow its partners to interact in a trustworthy and efficient manner. This solution also ensures that the supply chain is verified and any mistakes, malpractices or tampering is quickly addressed.