Fusing your enterprise's physical and digital processes

Nokia407 тыс
15.12.21 – 5066:40
Global Analyst Forum: Arçelik
69 дней – 3562:03
Netrouting: What we do
Опубликовано 13 декабря 2021, 14:13
#Industry4.0 leverages innovations in #IIoT, AI and machine learning (ML), #edgecomputing and #wirelesscommunications. Asset-intensive industries are moving quickly to take advantage of these technologies, including manufacturing, ports, mines, utilities, railways, airports, logistics, intelligent highways and smart cities.

The #digitaltransformation of these activities is based on your ability to capture data, process and analyze it and to then act on it, often in near-real-time. Industry 4.0 and #privatewireless together enable industries to fuse physical with digital processes by connecting all sensors, machines and workers in the most flexible, affordable and reliable way available.