16 Years of YouTube: Why I stayed

173 906
TechnoBuffalo1.63 млн
03.01.23 – 00:00
Jon Rettinger Live Stream
Опубликовано 31 декабря 2022, 22:19
Check us out!
The Apple Circle - youtube.com/@TheAppleCircle
Interstellar News - youtube.com/@officialinterstel...

It's hard to believe, but I've been on YouTube for over fourteen years, and a lot has changed throughout that time. Not only did YouTube become my career and the best job I could ask for, but there were also times I was close to leaving it all behind. Luckily, I stuck through it, and this channel has grown into something bigger than I ever imagined. So, in today's video, let me tell you what the team and I have been up to and what we have planned for 2023!

We're also on Snapchat
Jon Rettinger - story.snapchat.com/p/cd2d9590-...
The Apple Circle - story.snapchat.com/p/b99ebfe0-...
Interstellar News - story.snapchat.com/p/90486123-...
Geek Seat - story.snapchat.com/p/29f38e54-...
Super Signal - story.snapchat.com/p/ec89c6cb-...
Direct Charge - story.snapchat.com/p/1043e6c7-...
True Shock - story.snapchat.com/p/d07236dd-...

GEAR: kit.co/JonRettinger/youtube-ge...
My music comes from Musicbed, check them out: share.mscbd.fm/jonrettinger
Our Motion and Final Cut Pro X templates: motionvfx.com

Follow me!
Website: jon4lakers.tech
Instagram: instagram.com/jonrettinger
Twitter: twitter.com/Jon4Lakers
Facebook: facebook.com/JonRettingerYT