WebDriver BiDi: Future of browser automation

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10.05.23 – 9 91214:16
Debugging modern web applications
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Опубликовано 10 мая 2023, 20:38
If you've ever dabbled in browser automation, you know just how daunting it can be. But what exactly makes this task so challenging? And what can browser vendors do to streamline the process? Get an overview of the current state of cross-browser automation, along with insights into the inner workings of browser automation and how test frameworks utilize it. Last, delve into the driving force behind WebDriver BiDi – the forthcoming browser automation protocol.

WebDriver BiDi: 2023 status update → bit.ly/wbidi-2023
WebDriver BiDi code demo → bit.ly/wbidi-demo
Introduction of WebDriver BiDi → bit.ly/webdriver-bidi
History of test automation → bit.ly/test-automation-evoluti...
Upgraded Chrome's Headless mode → goo.gle/chrome-headless
Chrome DevTools Recorder → goo.gle/extend-recorder

0:00 Intro
0:57 History of test automation
2:13 Automation approaches
3:00 WebDriver "Classic"
4:54 Chrome DevTools Protocol (CDP)
7:23 WebDriver BiDi - The future of browser automation
9:32 WebDriver BiDi demos
12:37 Two last things...

Speaker: Jecelyn Yeen

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Watch all the Technical Sessions from Google I/O 2023 → goo.gle/IO23_sessions
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All Google I/O 2023 Sessions → goo.gle/IO23_all

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