Adam Savage's Live Streams: Rocket Sled, Fascinating Guests and More from MythBusters!

Tested6.9 млн
250 дней – 69 38910:10
Adam Savage's Furry Ride or Die
Опубликовано 6 июля 2024, 6:13
It's live stream time! Fresh from his vacation, Adam will be answering questions from Tested members on MythBusters. NOTE: During this live stream, memberships will be gifted. Make sure you're signed into your YouTube account and you've opted to receive gifted memberships! Instructions are on this page ( -- just scroll to "opt in and get gifted memberships." Join this channel to support Tested and get access to perks, like asking Adam questions:

0:02:57 Which guest was the most fascinating person you have ever met through Mythbusters?
0:12:51 You consulted and interacted with a wide variety of experts over the course of the show. Was there one who, despite their incredible accomplishments or talents, blew you away in how humble they were?
0:18:09 Did you watch Mythbusters when it was being made, or was it enough just making it?
0:21:18 Did your kids ever get into watching the show and did they enjoy telling their friends that is my father?
0:23:16 Which Mythbusters’ myth would you want to reshoot with the Slo-mo Guys and their PhantomX camera?
0:24:45 In season 2 there is a prop in the background of what looks like a man being tortured. Where was that from and who in the world thought that was a good idea for a family show?!! (It terrified my young children, and I know that it wasn’t necessarily conceived as geared towards kids.)
0:28:04 You have said in the past that you and Jamie worked very well together. You mentioned being able to communicate with gestures and looks and how deeply satisfying that was. This is not something everyone has in a workmate, even after years. Was it always this way for you two? Was it immediate, or did it develop over time? Was there a moment when you both understood you had that ability, and if so, when and how?
0:31:10 The footage of all your rocket sled tests is terrifying. It looks like it's just too fast to even comprehend.  What was it like witnessing it in person?  What did you get that the cameras didn't?
0:34:16 It is true that you put your hand in molten lead. What sensations does it give?
0:39:43 As a pilot, I recently landed at Moffett Airfield where NASA Ames is located. I was really taken aback by the size of the airship hangers. They are huge! What were your first impressions of those hangers and how was it when you worked in those hangers on various myths?
0:44:07 When was the genuinely happiest you ever saw Jamie on the show?
0:48:48 Can you expand on the "Am I missing an eyebrow" incident? I remember a firey explosion but the rest is lost on me.
0:53:38 ​Adam, was your experience on Mythbusters your first experience being a Producer, and what have you taken from that which has helped with Tested.
0:57:28 Did you ever get requests to do myths that were basically sponsored videos? Like proving the functionality of a product or concept?

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Intro bumper by Abe Dieckman

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