BlogHer'14: A Skype interview with Kathy Cano-Murillo

3 427
Skype283 тыс
16.07.14 – 4 3601:00
Skype, Everywhere
15.11.11 – 1 9800:49
Happy Birthday Sophie, from Skype
Опубликовано 15 июля 2014, 22:00
Our exclusive interview over Skype with BlogHer'14 panelist Kathy Cano-Murillo about crafts and other passions, courtesy of our Family Ambassador Amber Johnson.

As the official communications partner of BlogHer'14, Skype has founded the Pay With Passion movement. Our goal: to encourage everyone to pledge their passion and to share those pledges online to inspire family and friends. Learn how—and why—to make your pledge by visiting us here: