Опубликовано 22 апреля 2018, 15:00
How RCCI Engines Work - Reactivity Controlled Compression Ignition
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Reactivity Controlled Compression Ignition (RCCI) is a style of combustion that uses two different fuels and results in a super efficient engine. Thermal efficiencies as high as about 60% have been found in lab testing, which is remarkable for internal combustion engines.
Combustion relies on a low reactivity fuel (in this case gasoline, though ethanal and natural gas can also be used) in combination with a high reactivity fuel (in this case diesel fuel). The engine benefits from the individual advantages of each fuel, resulting in exceptional efficiency and significantly less harmful emissions. Check out the video for details about how it works!
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Related Videos:
Mazda SPCCI SkyActiv-X - youtu.be/yNSxow3W7ek
HCCI Engines - youtu.be/OVWZFdb_AGc
VC-Turbo Engine - youtu.be/A6H66xfEZC4
Dynamic Force Engine - youtu.be/wwLxxZm_LRQ
Mercedes 50% Efficient Engine - youtu.be/kOhmgpkiIfg
Gas vs Diesel Engines - youtu.be/rXVJG9n6BAs
Related Articles:
RCCI Literature Review - sciencedirect.com/science/arti...
Reactivity Controlled Compression Ignition (RCCI) is a style of combustion that uses two different fuels and results in a super efficient engine. Thermal efficiencies as high as about 60% have been found in lab testing, which is remarkable for internal combustion engines.
Combustion relies on a low reactivity fuel (in this case gasoline, though ethanal and natural gas can also be used) in combination with a high reactivity fuel (in this case diesel fuel). The engine benefits from the individual advantages of each fuel, resulting in exceptional efficiency and significantly less harmful emissions. Check out the video for details about how it works!
Engineering Explained is a participant in the Amazon Influencer Program.
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EE Extra: youtube.com/channel/UCsrY4q8xG...
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