Krispy Media533 тыс
Опубликовано 7 августа 2013, 0:54
Like my page to know when the main video is released!:
This was my first time attending one of Tuner Evolution's shows. It was also the first show I actually got some time to relax at and talk to some friends, and grab a bite to eat...calmly. That however comes at the expense of being there for two days but hey it was worth it. I started on my way to Philly with some friends from S.L.O.W and Ravspec, who were kind enough to let me spend the night in their hotel room. On Friday we went straight to the EXPO center and started setting up and getting ready. I then got most of my behind the scenes footage. After all of that I made my way 45 mins east to the Panda Pre-Meet. I had a good time there seeing some friends and getting a few cool shots. After I made my way back as soon as I got to the hotel I noticed my friend Chris leaving in his green NSX. I noticed before an awesome movie theater right across the street. I stopped my car left it running and ran out to catch him before he left. We then headed over to the movie theater to grab some Rig shots which will be posted separately. Anddddd then we got kicked off their grounds. Crashed at the hotel for 3 hours then got back up at 6 to get a full day of footage started. The ravspec team and I made our way over to the expo center and got to work. I was filming all day from 7am to 8pm. I had such a good time seeing everyone and enjoying some amazing home cooked food by Jay Martinez's mom. After the bikini contest was over I made my way back home. Got up the next morning at 5 for a stance nation shoot ;). Hope everyone enjoys my photos as well as my main video and for the first time a behind the scenes video! Thank you for your support everyone!
This was my first time attending one of Tuner Evolution's shows. It was also the first show I actually got some time to relax at and talk to some friends, and grab a bite to eat...calmly. That however comes at the expense of being there for two days but hey it was worth it. I started on my way to Philly with some friends from S.L.O.W and Ravspec, who were kind enough to let me spend the night in their hotel room. On Friday we went straight to the EXPO center and started setting up and getting ready. I then got most of my behind the scenes footage. After all of that I made my way 45 mins east to the Panda Pre-Meet. I had a good time there seeing some friends and getting a few cool shots. After I made my way back as soon as I got to the hotel I noticed my friend Chris leaving in his green NSX. I noticed before an awesome movie theater right across the street. I stopped my car left it running and ran out to catch him before he left. We then headed over to the movie theater to grab some Rig shots which will be posted separately. Anddddd then we got kicked off their grounds. Crashed at the hotel for 3 hours then got back up at 6 to get a full day of footage started. The ravspec team and I made our way over to the expo center and got to work. I was filming all day from 7am to 8pm. I had such a good time seeing everyone and enjoying some amazing home cooked food by Jay Martinez's mom. After the bikini contest was over I made my way back home. Got up the next morning at 5 for a stance nation shoot ;). Hope everyone enjoys my photos as well as my main video and for the first time a behind the scenes video! Thank you for your support everyone!
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