Fixing Saab 9-5 Security System Problems -EricTheCarGuy

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EricTheCarGuy1.81 млн
Опубликовано 25 марта 2013, 11:21
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As I said in the video the owner brought me this car along with the supposed fix. The symptoms were an intermittent no start and a message on the dash indicating a security system problem. Apparently this is a common problem with Saabs of this vintage and the problem is usually linked to this siren/security module. Apparently the batteries go bad in the unit causing it to act up intermittently. In this video I show the steps needed to replace the module, it's actually a very easy job that does not require a lot of tools. So if you have an issue with the security system on a Saab of this vintage you might want to give this fix a try.

Here's the ebay store link to the company that rebuilds the modules.

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