Honda J Series V6 Valve Adjustment (Part 2) #ericthecarguy

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EricTheCarGuy1.79 млн
265 дней – 11 6021:00
Tuning Dads Truck #Shorts
Опубликовано 19 октября 2012, 10:56
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Part 1:

Forum discussion about this video:

Well here is part 2 of the J Series Valve Adjustment video. This is where the 'meat' is and we cover how to set up each cylinder as well as the adjustment itself. Remember this is a 'fine tuning' operation and really isn't meant to correct a problem unless the valves had been misadjusted in the first place. Also keep in mind that it's better to get the adjustment loose rather than tight so try to keep your adjustment on the loose side because if you get them too tight this can actually damage the valves, if they're too loose the worse you'll suffer is a lot of valve train noise. Either way try to do it right the first time because it's a lot of work to get back in there and readjust everything. I think you'll do fine should you attempt to do this job just take your time and double check everything.

Here are links to the videos I mentioned in the movie that might also be helpful if you're servicing one of these J Series engines.

VTEC Video:

J Serieis Timing Belt Video:

Music curtesy of AudioMicro

Royalty Free Music by
Sound Effects by

Track: Crazy World
Artist: Jradford

Stay dirty


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