We put a $500 engine in our $10,000 Civic

2 922 592
Mighty Car Mods3.91 млн
26.10.23 – 395 22022:32
Dirty Daihastu gets Makeover
24.09.23 – 1 070 02324:11
Simple Mods To Scare Supercars
Опубликовано 16 октября 2023, 20:44
In this HUGE episode we are K-swapping a super clean (and somewhat expensive) EK Honda Civic we got off a granny and dropping in a K24 we got out of a cheap and grotty Honda Accord Euro we got off a mate called Sprongle. Will it transform our grocery getting slow hatchback into an epic performance vehicle? Let's find out!

Huge thanks to:
Brian from HASport Performance: hasportperformance.com
Aaron from V-TEC Academy: @VTECAcademy
Jeremiah and Zach from @Donut
Cams from Drag Cartel: dragcartel.com/collections/cam...
JDM Yard for Honda Parts and Suspension bits: jdmyard.com
Hybrid Racing K-Swap Conversion Kit: hybrid-racing.com/pages/giveaw...
Extreme Clutch: xtremeclutch.com.au
Whiteline Swaybars: whiteline.com.au
Alignment by DNA Autosport: dnaautosport.com.au
Fuel bits from Raceworks: raceworks.com.au

ECU and Tuning by Tuning Fork and our friends at @haltech

Cases and iPhone Tripod by Quad Lock. Use code MCM10 for discount

Plus a big thanks to all our mates who came out and helped us in their own time to make this car what it is. We couldn't be happier with how it's turned out and appreciate each and every one of you.

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Brian and Aaron have done a deep dive here: vtec.academy/everything-you-ne...

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Facebook: facebook.com/mightycarmods
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#mightycarmods #kswap #honda

Something to note around Mighty Car Mods: we are normal guys and are not trained mechanics. We like to make interesting car mods and show you how we've gone about it, but we can't promise that anything we show you will work for your particular car, or that you won't harm yourself, someone else, your car or your warranty doing it. Please be safe, be responsible and unless you know what you're doing, do not fool around with very serious machinery just because you've seen us make it look so easy. Talk to a qualified mechanic if you are in any doubt. Some of the products featured in this video may be supplied by sponsors. For a list of our current sponsors please go to mightycarmods.com