RCR Goes to the Philly Auto Show

35 373
RegularCars927 тыс
Опубликовано 22 февраля 2024, 13:00
Regular Car Reviews goes to the Philly Auto Show, because car meets don't happen in the winter. Featuring cars from Dumb & Dumber, The Fast & the Furious, and the depths of the General Motors braintrust, it's an old-fashioned RCR car show adventure. Get a look at the Chevrolet Corvette E-Ray, the electric Chevy Silverado and Chevy Blazer, the Ford Bronco, the Mustang, a whole lot of MOPAR, some way-too-fancy Lamborghini and Aston-Martin models, pickup trucks, Jeeps, classic cars, and even a Monster Truck. It's just another day in Philadelphia.

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