Microsoft Research

330 тыс
50.4 млн
9 254
24 Окт 2008
06.09.16 1:03:29
Is Scalable, Reliable Quantum Computation Possible?
Quantum computers have the potential to solve certain computational problems, for example, factoring composite numbers, more efficiently than modern computers.
06.09.16 1:02:20
Learning Discriminative Models with Incomplete Data
Many practical problems in pattern recognition require making inferences using multiple modalities, e.g. sensor data from video, audio, physiological changes etc.
06.09.16 1:15:07
War, Power, Strategy
War is seemingly everywhere around us, and not just the war in Iraq. There are culture wars, internet wars, business wars, nasty political wars.
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06.09.16 1:01:22
Limits of Obfuscation
The goal of code obfuscation is to make a program completely unintelligible while preserving its functionality.
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06.09.16 1:21:18
Effective Static Race Detection
Despite years of research on static techniques, the state of practice for analyzing concurrent software remains relatively primitive.
06.09.16 55:44
Group Forming and Grassroots Organizing Technology
The internet enables radically more effective means of bottom up grassroots organizing.  The Dean Campaign and MoveOn are early examples of what is possible when citizens are empowered through
06.09.16 50:12
Building Trustworthy Mesh Networks: Why Security and Fault-Tolerance Must Be Considered Together
Mesh networks were proposed as a promising low cost, easy to deploy network architecture for wired and wireless networks.
06.09.16 59:07
Privacy-Enhanced Personalization [1/2]
Web personalization has demonstrated to be advantageous for both online customers and vendors. However, its benefits are counteracted by privacy concerns.
06.09.16 50:54
Atomics for a Real-time Virtual Machine
This talk introduces a concurrency control abstraction, called preemptible atomic regions (PARs).
06.09.16 47:47
Not from Scratch: What the Fine Arts brings to HCI
While most users of technology are not students of art, all are immersed in a cultural landscape that has a shared and rich visual heritage.
06.09.16 44:48
From Personal Computers to Personal Information Environments
While today's users work with and encounter a growing number and variety of computational devices (desktop PCs, laptops, tablets, PDAs, cellphones, etc.), continued adherence to the model of working
06.09.16 1:12:30
An Introduction to Chapel: Cray Cascade's High-Productivity Language
In 2002, DARPA launched the High Productivity Computing Systems (HPCS) program, with the goal of improving user productivity on High-End Computing systems for the year 2010.
06.09.16 1:12:23
Secure Personalization: Towards Trustworthy Recommender Systems* [1/16]
Publicly-accessible adaptive systems such as recommender systems present a security problem.
06.09.16 53:53
Computer Science for the future
The field of computer science is undergoing a major change.
06.09.16 1:06:43
GeoDec: Enabling Geospatial Decision Making
The vision of GeoDec is to enable an information-rich and realistic 3-dimensional visualization and/or simulation of a geographical location (e.g., a city), rapidly and accurately.
06.09.16 1:03:28
10 Rules for Strategic Innovators
ItΓÇÖs a chronic dilemma: investors demand growthΓÇöyet the older a company gets, the harder it is to deliver the kind of innovations that younger startups are known for.
06.09.16 1:38:04
Which Supervised Learning Method Works Best for What?  An Empirical Comparison
Decision trees may be intelligible, but do they perform well enough that you'd really want to use them?  Have SVMs replaced neural nets, or are neural nets still the best models for regression, and
06.09.16 46:49
Using ACTIVboard In Interactive Presentations
Melissa Whit, the Washington Rep for Promethean, will be bringing in a Promethean ACTIVboard to demonstrate to us.
06.09.16 48:09
Secure Trusted Overlay Networks for Robust Privacy-Protecting Communication
In this talk we present STONe, Secure Trusted Overlay Network, a novel robust network infrastructure that provides privacy-preserving communication.
06.09.16 1:03:07
Dialogue Session: Worklife Balance and the Retention of Talent
Carol Evans will introduce worklife balance and flexible work programs from multiple Fortune 500 companies.
06.09.16 1:03:07
From textons to parts: Local image features for texture and object recognition
Joint work with Jean Ponce at UIUC, and Cordelia Schmid, Jianguo Zhang, and Marcin Marszalek at INRIA Rhone-Alpes.
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06.09.16 1:02:01
Efficient Actions in Dynamic Auction Environment
We model an environment, where bidders private values may change over time as a result of both costly private actions and exogenous shocks.
06.09.16 57:00
Two Network Coding Talks for the price of one: Security, Low Complexity
Network coding is good. Among other advantages, it allows for greater throughput, more robust code design, and decentralization of code design.
06.09.16 1:04:48
Some recent results in camera calibration and shape reconstruction
In this talk I will give an overview of some recent work done by my research group in the area of camera calibration and 3D reconstruction.
06.09.16 1:12:18
Implicit Feedback: Techniques for Deployment and Evaluation
Searchers can find the construction of query statements for submission to search systems a problematic activity.
06.09.16 53:57
Better k-best Parsing, Hypergraphs, and Dynamic Programming
Joint work with David Chiang (University of Maryland) K-best parsing (and k-best processing in general) has become a popular technique in natural language processing.
06.09.16 1:47:08
Rock 'n Roll : Earthquake & Disaster Preparedness
Without an impending disaster, itΓÇÖs difficult to motivate people to get prepared.
06.09.16 1:21:30
Understanding Customers: Shaping Our Future through Understanding Social Change
How do you make sure you can see and understand the critical social processes of your customers-both the millions who have adapted to the emerging social age and the millions who haven't yet made
06.09.16 55:59
Fast Database and Data Streaming Operations using Graphics Processors
We present novel techniques to utilize the high computational power of graphics processing units (GPUs) to significantly accelerate many of the traditional general purpose algorithms on CPUs.
06.09.16 54:57
Hyperparameter and Kernel Learning for Graph Based Semi-Supervised Classification
There have been many graph-based approaches for semi-supervised classification.
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