Microsoft Research

330 тыс
50.4 млн
9 254
24 Окт 2008
17.08.16 1:14:45
Software- Assisted Hardware Reliability
In the era of nanoscale technology scaling, we are facing the limits of physics, challenging robust and reliable microprocessor design and fabrication.
17.08.16 2:00:13
17.08.16 1:09:06
The Battle for the Right Features - The Art and Science of Product Release Planning
Features are the selling units of a product. There are a number of difficult decisions to be made in the context of product release planning and re-planning.
17.08.16 1:11:05
Network Coding for Distributed Storage: Directions and Open problems
Distributed storage schemes for data centers and peer-to- peer networks often use traditional erasure codes to introduce redundancy for robustness.
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17.08.16 1:08:27
Can the Theory of Algorithms Ratify the 'Invisible Hand of the Market'?
ΓÇ£It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker, that we expect our dinner, but from their regard for their own interest.ΓÇ¥ Each participant in a competitive economy is
17.08.16 1:16:06
eXtreme Research? What might it look like?
Various attempts have been made to speed up the software development process, allowing for faster iterations and earlier discovery and rectification of problems.
17.08.16 1:10:04
For Example
Design examples can powerfully illustrate concepts and alternatives. Online media offer an example corpus at a scale and diversity never before seen. How can we leverage these resources?
17.08.16 1:02:52
Creating a Considerate World
No longer will the sensors we develop simply be part of a control system.
17.08.16 1:10:00
Anzere: replication policy scaling for personal storage networks
While managing a user's personal data (photos, contacts, music collection, etc.) with online service providers like Facebook, Google, or Yahoo offers many advantages, it is not without its
17.08.16 59:35
Spectrum Usage Understanding and Dynamic Spectrum Sharing
Dynamic spectrum access has been a subject of extensive study in recent years.
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17.08.16 1:08:11
Getting an Edge at High Speeds: Randomized Algorithms and Networking Hardware
Even commercial router vendors have adopted randomized algorithms in a few cases because of their simplicity, speed, and memory-efficiency in a few cases.
17.08.16 1:03:47
Simple Procurement Mechanisms
We provide a new set of tools for studying asymmetric .rst price auctions, connecting behaviour of equilibria to the _-concavity of the underlying distributions over costs or values, and showing how
17.08.16 1:05:05
Scale-invariant random spatial networks
We study the implications of assuming scale-invariance in a mathematical model of road networks.
17.08.16 1:01:37
Optimal Auctions
Christos will show a neat recent thing on the board and discuss possible extensions.
17.08.16 1:02:29
Breaking the Multicommodity Flow Barrier for ?log(n)-Approximations to Sparsest Cut
We present an algorithm for the sparsest cut problem that simultaneously achieves the better approximation factor of SDP/multicommodity-flow based algorithms and the subquadratic running time of
17.08.16 56:56
Pseudorandom Generators for Regular Branching Programs
This work is about how finding efficient ways to stretch a small random string into a long string that cannot be distinguished from random by a computation with small memory.
17.08.16 1:11:31
Skill Matters: How Web Savvy and Other Factors Influence Online Behavior
Much enthusiasm surrounds the potential of the Internet to improve people's lives in numerous domains from health matters to education, from creative expression to financial independence, from
17.08.16 54:20
Advancing our ability to predict the dynamics of complex natural systems
Ecologists face unprecedented demands for accurate and reliable predictive models to address urgent questions such as: how will the Earth's life support systems change into the future?
17.08.16 1:07:42
Cover times, blanket times, and the Gaussian free field
The cover time of a finite graph G (the expected time for simple random walk to visit all vertices) has been extensively studied, yet a number of fundamental questions concerning cover times have
17.08.16 1:30:00
A proof rule for multi-threaded programs
A modular proof rule for the verification of temporal safety and liveness properties of multi-threaded programs, and how this rule can be transformed into an automatic method.
17.08.16 57:04
We have it easy, but do we have it right?
To evaluate an innovation in computer systems, performance analysts measure execution time or other metrics using one or more standard workloads.
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17.08.16 37:49
Increasing the accessibility of pen-based interaction for older adults
Older adults form one of the fastest growing demographics of computer users.
17.08.16 1:18:01
Programs & Projects at the University of Washington Center for Information Assurance & Cybersecurity
The Center for Information Assurance and Cybersecurity (CIAC) at the University of Washington is an NSA/DHS Center of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance Education and Research that
17.08.16 1:14:24
The Brave New World of Full Service Computing
For the past generation, the world of personal computing has been a world of self-service computing.
17.08.16 1:04:50
Incentive Design in Distributed-Work Systems: Image Labeling Games and Question and Answer Forums
In recent years, there has been a great deal of progress in "Games with a Purpose," interactive games that users play because they are fun, with the added benefit that they are doing
17.08.16 1:07:19
Temporal Causality for Visual Event Analysis
A basic goal of video understanding is the organization of video data into sets of events with associated temporal dependencies.
17.08.16 42:32
Quasirandom Load Balancing
We propose a simple distributed algorithm for balancing indivisible tokens on graphs.
17.08.16 1:10:39
Images as Sets of Locally Weighted Features
I`ll present a novel image representation in which images are modeled as order-less sets of weighted visual features.
17.08.16 1:17:53
Mining Knowledge from Databases: An Information Network Analysis Approach
Most people consider a database is merely a data repository that supports data storage and retrieval.
17.08.16 1:02:21
The continuity of permanental processes with applications to local times of Markov processes
We provide a sufficient condition for the continuity of real valued permanental processes.
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