Microsoft Research

330 тыс
50.4 млн
9 254
24 Окт 2008
17.08.16 47:44
Tensions in Designing for the Expression of Emotions
To adequately design for the expression of emotions we need to look beyond the mere detection and transmission of signals and symbols and realize that emotions exist in a rich labyrinth of
17.08.16 1:13:42
A DNA Code that switches hundreds of thousands of genetic messages
What is the digital code stored in your genome that governs how your genes will be used to carry out diverse activities, such as wiring together neural networks?
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17.08.16 53:01
Kahn-Kalai-Linial and Kruskal-Katona
The notable KKL Theorem of Kahn, Kalai, and Linial says that if f : {0,1}^n - {0,1} is a balanced boolean function, then there is at least one coordinate i with 'influence' at least Omega(log n n).
17.08.16 1:18:39
A Case for Runtime Adaptation using Cross-Layer Approaches
Modern computer system designers must consider many more factors than raw performance of individual applications.
17.08.16 59:45
Image Render-Capture Applications
Two very different applications that use a render-capture paradigm will be presented; the first is a projector-camera system and the second uses a print-scan process.
17.08.16 36:42
Percolation in a mobile environment
We study the following model for mobile wireless networks. At time 0, nodes are distributed as a Poisson point process with intensity \lambda over R^2.
17.08.16 1:07:30
Topology and Data
There is an increasing demand for the analysis of large amounts of data of many different kinds. Often the data is equipped with a notion of distance, reflecting notions of similarity of the data.
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17.08.16 1:53:56
Three Technical Talks by Faculty Members of the UPCRC at UC Berkeley ParLab
Creating Game-changing Speed-ups in Compelling Applications using Design Patterns Kurt Keutzer Professor, UC Berkeley ParLab We believe that the key to the design of parallel programs is software
17.08.16 1:04:00
Towards Spoken Term Discovery at Scale with Zero Resources
The spoken term discovery task takes speech as input and identifies terms of possible interest.
17.08.16 55:33
Life Sciences at the MIT EECS Department
The MIT EECS department has long been a source of interdisciplinary research, however in recent years, the number of faculty members who have expanded their research portfolios to include aspects
17.08.16 55:55
Finding Needles in Exponential Haystacks
Let S_1,...,S_n be subsets of {1,...n}. A quarter century ago I showed that there is a two-coloring of the vertices so that all sets have discrepancy at most K\sqrt{n}, K an absolute constant.
17.08.16 1:02:21
Endangered and Emerging Languages
In this talk I explore the ongoing global crisis of language extinction, and argue that it leads to intellectual impoverishment in all fields of science and culture.
17.08.16 1:16:09
Optimal Dynamic Mechanism Design for Multi-Armed Bandit Processes
We consider the problem of revenue-optimal dynamic mechanism design in settings where agents' types evolve over time as a function of their (both public and private) experience with items that are
17.08.16 1:11:11
Using Influence to Understand Complex Systems
When a complex production system fails or just behaves badly, the debugging technique of first resort is to examine system logs or other passively gathered signals that might hold important clues
17.08.16 1:01:17
Capacity of Large-scale CSMA Wireless Networks
In the literature, asymptotic studies of multi-hop wireless network capacity often consider only centralized and deterministic TDMA (time-division multi-access) coordination schemes.
17.08.16 1:09:11
Viral Marketing: Modelling, Simulation & Optimisation
Viral marketing is a form of peer-to-peer communication in which individuals are encouraged to pass on promotional messages within their social networks.
17.08.16 49:56
Statistical Learning without Ground Truth in Computer Vision and Medicine
The first part of the talk will present and overview of our machine learning endeavors within the scope of Computational Pathology: (i) generating a gold standard based on clinical labeling
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17.08.16 1:09:34
Robust Predictions in Games with Incomplete Information
We develop solution concepts for games with incomplete information which are robust to the private and strategic information held by the agents in the game.
17.08.16 1:09:55
Risk, Regret and Regularization: A View through the Lens of Strong Convexity
There are two related and complementary approaches for studying the theoretical foundations of learning. One is probabilistic in nature and the other game-theoretic and adversarial.
17.08.16 52:12
Dependent Indian Buffet Processes
Latent variable models represent hidden structure in observational data.
17.08.16 47:57
Random Fields for Image Registration
In this talk, I will present an approach for image registration based on discrete Markov Random Field optimization.
17.08.16 1:10:37
Simplifying the Task of Building Robust and Efficient Networked Systems
Building robust and efficient networked systems is a tedious and error-prone process.
17.08.16 46:39
17.08.16 1:24:06
Session #2 NW-NLP Workshop
Extended Abstract Session -- Other Topics in NLP 1:45 Maider Lehr.
17.08.16 1:04:47
Relational Duality: Unsupervised Extraction of Semantic Relations between Entities on the Web
Extracting semantic relations among entities is an important first step in various tasks in Web mining and natural language processing such as information extraction, relation detection, and social
17.08.16 1:17:27
Automating datacenter operations using Machine Learning
Today's datacenters run many complex and large-scale Web applications that are very difficult to manage.
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17.08.16 56:08
On the Conductance of Random Inner Product Graphs
Random inner product graphs form a special case of inhomogeneous random graphs.
17.08.16 56:24
Random walks on the two dimensional uniform spanning tree
We study random walks on the uniform spanning tree (UST) on Z^2.
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17.08.16 1:09:16
Accessible Concurrency Through Better Abstractions
Parallel computing platforms such as chip multi-processors (CMPs) and graphics processors (GPUs) have become ubiquitous.This explosion in the availability of parallel computing resources signals a
17.08.16 1:00:51
Session #1 NW-NLP Workshop
Extended Abstract Session -- SMT 11:30 Baskaran Sankaran, Ajeet Grewal and Anoop Sarkar. Incremental Decoding for Phrase-based Statistical Machine Translation 12:00 Ann Clifton and Anoop Sarkar.
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