Microsoft Research

330 тыс
50.3 млн
9 254
24 Окт 2008
07.09.16 1:06:21
Towards Provably Secure and Correct Systems
Over the years, principles and techniques from programming languages have played a significant role in the study of secure and correct communication.
07.09.16 52:25
A Dive into the Panorama Business
With the explosion of camera sales in the 5 past years, a lot of old photographic techniques have again become popular. Among them, panorama creation is one of the most promising.
07.09.16 1:06:22
Random Kitchen Sinks: Replacing Optimization with Randomization in Learning
A popular trend in computer vision, graphics, and machine learning is to replace sophisticated statistical models with simpler generic ones, and to compensate for the missing domain knowledge with
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07.09.16 1:01:25
Regression Verification: Proving the Equivalence of Similar Programs
The ability to prove equivalence of successive, closely-related versions of a program can be useful for maintaining backward compatibility.
07.09.16 1:27:01
Inferring Social Networks Automatically from Sensor Data
Human behavior in the real world is a difficult thing to study: it is not possible to have human observers follow someone around all day, and surveys often tend to be biased and unreliable.
07.09.16 1:12:52
Metaprogramming AJAX Apps with Static Types [1/3]
Through a combination of chance and design, modern Web browsers have evolved into rich hosts for applications that live in
07.09.16 1:03:32
Thinking Interactively with Visualization
Interaction is becoming an integral part in using visualization for analysis.
07.09.16 1:00:52
Grey: Making Logic-Based Access Control Practical and Usable
Grey is an access-control system in which smartphones serve as the token by which users exercise and delegate their authority.
07.09.16 38:53
J is for JavaScript
It is a time-honored fashion to implement a domain-specific language (DSL) by translation to a general-purpose language.
07.09.16 1:07:08
What we now know about phishing websites
We have been studying phishing websites since early 2007, finding out how long it is before they're removed, and gathering all sort of other statistics.
07.09.16 1:04:05
Say Everything: How Blogging Began, What It's Becoming, and Why It Matters
Blogs are everywhere. They have exposed truths and spread rumors. Made and lost fortunes. Toppled cabinet members and sparked grassroots movements.
07.09.16 1:31:42
Evolutionary Dynamics of Cooperation
Microsoft Research – 7 сентября 2016, 17:20
07.09.16 1:19:38
Design Meets Disability
Eyeglasses have been transformed from medical necessity to fashion accessory. This revolution came about through embracing the design culture of the fashion industry.
07.09.16 1:02:32
Internet Access Using Dense Self-Managing Wireless Networks
Wireless networking is becoming the dominant technology for Internet access, resulting in a rapidly growing demand for wireless bandwidth.
07.09.16 1:28:43
Bargaining and Arbitration in Strategic Games with Private Information
Asymmetric private information amplifies the difficulty for players to cooperate and achieve efficiency in strategic games.
07.09.16 1:11:27
From biology to robots: the RobotCub project
Until recently, the study of cognition and the neurophysiological basis of human behavior was the subject of quite separate disciplines such as psychology, neurophysiology, cognitive science
07.09.16 1:03:45
SANDstorm, Elliptic Curves, and a Bit of Fun
I'll begin by describing SANDstorm, the Sandia entry in the NIST Hash Function competition. Next, I borrow an idea of Peter Montgomery's to speed up elliptic curve calculations (Affine Strikes Back!).
07.09.16 1:14:48
60 GHz Single-Chip CMOS Digital Radios and Phased Array Solutions for Gaming and Connectivity
The proliferation of bandwidth hungry multimedia applications has pushed the requirement for new multi-gigabit wireless solutions well beyond the gigabit per second.
07.09.16 1:05:13
Research on Cognitive Radio Networks at Real-Time Computing Laboratory
Static spectrum allocation has resulted in low spectrum efficiency in licensed bands and poor performance of radio devices in crowded unlicensed bands.
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07.09.16 47:07
Message-Passing for Graph-Structured Linear Programs: Proximal Methods and Rounding Schemes [1/122]
The problem of computing a maximum a posteriori (MAP) configuration is a central computational challenge associated with Markov random fields. There has been some focus on ΓÇ£tree-based
07.09.16 1:17:09
A Spoken Language Interpretation Component for a Robot Dialogue System
The DORIS project aims to develop a spoken dialogue module for an autonomous robotic agent.
07.09.16 1:05:27
Rules of Thumb: 52 Principles for Winning at Business Without Losing Your Self
In a long and varied career in the political, corporate and entrepreneurial fields, Webber accumulated ΓÇ£lessons learnedΓÇ¥ and addresses them here: -how can I find work that inspires me?
07.09.16 1:31:53
Virtual Goods, Real Pleasure: Game Mechanics and Virtual Economies
Virtual Goods are fast becoming the business model of choice for online games.
07.09.16 1:18:22
Investigation of Complex Social Systems from Communication Data: Scaling from 10^2 to 10^8
Records of human movements and communication patterns are continuously being generated by the 4 billion mobile phone users around the world.
07.09.16 59:03
Fine-grained Non-intrusive Sensing of Resource Usage in Buildings
Residential and commercial buildings in the US account for roughly one-third of the national energy usage and one-eight of its water use.
07.09.16 25:52
CCCP: Secure remote storage for computational RFIDs
Passive RFID tags harvest their operating energy from an interrogating reader, but constant energy shortfalls severely limit their computational and storage capabilities.
07.09.16 1:01:40
Rethinking Internet Traffic Management Using Optimization Theory
In the Internet today, traffic management spans congestion control (at end hosts), routing protocols (on routers), and traffic engineering (by network operators).
07.09.16 1:42:36
Utility Maximization based P2P Multi-party Video Conferencing
Multi-party video conferencing is an emerging application nowadays.
07.09.16 1:19:58
Deep Economy: The Wealth of Communities and the Durable Future [1/2]
For the first time in human history, more is no longer synonymous with better - indeed, for many of us, they have become almost opposites.
07.09.16 1:11:16
15 Years of Research in Technology for the Classroom
Our students have changed; our classroom is the same for more than 100 years. As ICT researchers, we have the tools to transform this.
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