Microsoft Research

330 тыс
50.3 млн
9 254
24 Окт 2008
07.09.16 1:28:55
Building Systems That Enforce Measurable Security Goals
In this talk, I will argue for an approach for building and deploying systems that enforce measurable security goals.
07.09.16 1:12:22
Conjunctive Grammars and Synchronized Alternating Pushdown Automata
Context-free languages combine expressiveness with polynomial parsing, making them very appealing for practical applications.
07.09.16 1:00:54
Borrowing Brilliance: The Six Steps to Business Innovation by Building on the Ideas of Others
There is a fine line between theft and originality: the trick is the source of the borrowing.
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07.09.16 1:07:01
Automated reasoning in non-classical logics with the polarized inverse method
Automated reasoning in classical logic has received much attention in the literature.
07.09.16 1:23:57
Where computer vision needs help from computer science
I'll give my view of the frontier of computer vision and where I feel computer vision needs advances from computer science and machine learning.
07.09.16 1:05:12
Parallel Programming with Chorus
I present Chorus, a high-level parallel programming model targeting irregular, heap-manipulating applications like mesh refinement and triangulation, and Jchorus, an implementation of the model on
07.09.16 52:31
Seeing Software
In this talk I illustrate a decade of my visualization-centric software engineering research.
07.09.16 1:08:28
Efficient and Effective File Replication and Consistency Maintenance in P2P Systems
In peer-to-peer file sharing systems, file replication and consistency maintenance are widely used techniques for high system performance.
07.09.16 56:16
Where to Go: Interpreting Natural Directions Using Global Inference
Giving and interpreting directions is almost a daily activity, and as such, is a necessary system component of household robots or autonomous wheelchairs.
07.09.16 1:32:51
Algorithms Meet Art, Puzzles, and Magic
When I was six years old, my father Martin Demaine and I designed and made puzzles as the Erik and Dad Puzzle Company, which distributed to toy stores across Canada.
07.09.16 1:29:57
Free: The Future of a Radical Price
In the digital marketplace, the most effective price is no price at all.
07.09.16 1:09:09
Provably-Efficient Adaptive Scheduling with Parallelism Feedback
This talk presents feedback-driven adaptive algorithms for efficient scheduling of parallel jobs on multiprogrammed multiprocessors.
07.09.16 1:12:32
Personal Health Information among Competing Public Goods
Today, federal public policy forces personal privacy through public mandate over a person's capacity and right to choose a unique personal health identifier to better protect both privacy and
07.09.16 1:10:56
Model-Checking Modulo Theories: Declarative Framework and Pragmatic Issues
We discuss the notion of array-based system as a suitable abstraction of infinite state systems such as parametrised systems or sorting programs.
07.09.16 53:09
Theory Tea Meeting Talk: On Local Dynamics for Two Equilibrium Concepts
I'll talk about two projects I worked on this summer at MSR.
07.09.16 51:25
Finding Loop Invariants Using a Theorem Prover
This talk presents how quantified loop invariants of programs over arrays can be automatically inferred using a first order theorem prover, reducing the burden of annotating loops with complete
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07.09.16 1:29:56
Bandwidth Allocation in TCP Friendliness and P2P Streaming
In this talk, I will talk about our recent work on bandwidth allocation problem in two projects: TCP friendliness and P2P streaming. 1.
07.09.16 1:04:42
Improving the Development of Interactive Software Through New Language Features and Patterns
A piece of software is considered interactive if it consumes input and produces output throughout its execution, in contrast to non-interactive software which takes its input at program
07.09.16 42:36
Better Multiple Intents Re-ranking
The multiple intents re-ranking problem was introduced recently by Azar, Gamzu and Xin (STOC 2009) in the context of ordering results of a web search query.
07.09.16 52:01
Verifying the Interplay of Authorization Policies and Workflow in Service-Oriented Architectures
A widespread design approach in distributed applications based on the service-oriented paradigm, such as web-services, consists of clearly separating the enforcement of authorization policies and
07.09.16 1:04:08
Twig: A Simple, AI-friendly, Character World for Believable Agents
Interactive narrative and similar AI-intensive applications require characters to perform a wide range of actions and gestures, the details of which may be difficult to anticipate at authoring-time.
07.09.16 1:21:18
Speech signals separation with microphone array
Separating simultaneous speech signals from a mixture is well studied problem. There are two major approaches: blind source separation and spatial filtering.
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07.09.16 1:19:56
NxOpinion: A Novel Integrated and Predictive Solution for Global Healthcare Delivery
Bringing intelligent healthcare informatics to bear on the dual problems of reducing healthcare costs and improving quality and outcomes is a challenge even in countries with a reasonably developed
07.09.16 1:13:21
Improving Software Production Environments with Non-Invasive, Quantitative Experience Collection
Process control and improvement are keys to successful businesses, especially in agile environments.
07.09.16 1:02:39
Pairing-based Non-interactive Zero-Knowledge Proofs
Non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs make it possible to prove the truth of a statement without revealing any other information.
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07.09.16 1:25:56
Using Declarative Languages for Fast and Easy Program Analysis
The talk will discuss the benefits of using logic-based declarative languages, especially for program analysis. The main focus will be on the Doop framework for points-to analysis of Java programs.
07.09.16 1:26:24
The Json Saga
JSON is a simple data interchange format. It is rare among standards in that minimalism was one of the principle goals of its design.
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07.09.16 49:30
First Steps to NetViz Nirvana: Evaluating Social Network Analysis with NodeXL
Social Network Analysis (SNA) has evolved as a popular, standard method for modeling meaningful, often hidden structural relationships in communities.
07.09.16 1:13:05
Public Key Cryptosystems: Stronger Security from General Assumptions
Public key encryption (PKE) allows parties that had never met in advance to communicate over an unsafe channel.
07.09.16 1:21:51
A Framework for Combined Bayesian Analysis and Optimization for
One of the key challenges facing the professional services delivery business is the issue of optimally balancing competing demands from multiple, concurrent engagements on a limited supply of skill
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