Borrowing Brilliance: The Six Steps to Business Innovation by Building on the Ideas of Others

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Опубликовано 7 сентября 2016, 17:32
There is a fine line between theft and originality: the trick is the source of the borrowing. Borrow from your direct competitors and you are a thief, but cast a wider net and borrow beyond your field and you are considered creative. In fact that is ΓÇ£the creative paradoxΓÇ¥: that copying and building on the insights of others is actually the source of creativity. Ideas, in fact, are free, and it wasnΓÇÖt until the free market put a price on creative ideas that people started to claim possession of them, giving rise to signatures, trademarks, patents and copyrights. This resulted in a fog of misunderstanding about creativity that smothers creative thought, but we can lift the fog with a six step process: -Define the problem -borrow ideas from places with similar problems -connect and combine borrowed ideas -allow combinations to incubate -identify the strength and weakness of the solution -eliminate weak points while enhancing strong ones.