Ultimate Battlefield Hardline Rig ft. 3xQHD Surround + 1080p Battlescreen and Ergotech Monitor Stand

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NCIX Tech Tips1.11 млн
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Building an X299 RGB Gaming PC
Опубликовано 27 июня 2014, 14:00
This right here is the ultimate rig for playing Battlefield Hardline. It features triple QHD displays and will output a single 1080p battlescreen up top for monitoring the map. Battlefield veterans will know that the extra battlescreen can be invaluable when assessing the situation and where you should take your squad next.

None of this wouldn't be possible without the BenQ BL2710PT and ASUS PB278Q monitors - all three of which are IPS for the greatest viewing angle and color reproduction.

The ulitimate rig powering this station features an intel i7 4930K processor, 16GB of memory, 256GB SSD, and the Radeon R9 295X2 liquid cooled GPU for graphics horsepower.

Learn More/Where to Buy:
3+1 Monitor Stand: goo.gl/0lTE0x

BenQ 27in Monitor
Canada: search.ncix.com/search/?qcatid...

ASUS 27in Monitors
Canada: search.ncix.com/search/?qcatid...
USA: ncixus.com/search/?qcatid=0&am...

GPU - R9 295X2
Canada: search.ncix.com/search/?qcatid...
USA: ncixus.com/search/?qcatid=0&am...

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