iPad mini Review | Pocketnow

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Опубликовано 8 ноября 2012, 1:37
Apple doesn't want you to think of the iPad Mini as a 7" tablet. They want you to think of it as a smaller, lighter iPad. It's a subtle nuance, but helps to explain the pricetag of the iPad Mini, which is far above its closest competitor, the Nexus 7. We'll talk more about pricing later. Let's take a closer look at the iPad Mini's hardware.
The build quality of the iPad Mini is very, very high. Like the full sized iPad, the iPad Mini is made from glass and metal, but on the Mini, the use of these materials is much more striking because of its impossibly light weight and incredibly thin profile. We're so used to the too-heavy weight of the 9.7" iPad, and the iPad Mini is the opposite extreme.
Our review unit was black, which takes a lot of cues from the black iPhone 5 in terms of the gunmetal backing and the shiny beveled edge. The white model, like the white iPhone 5, has silver metal on the back and a chrome beveled edge. If you want to hide fingerprints, you should go with the white.
In-hand, the iPad Mini is effortless to hold at just 308 grams and 7.2mm in depth, which is thinner than any smartphone we've ever tested. When you pick up the mini after not using it, it's cool to the touch, like the iPhone 5. It's wider than the Nexus 7 making it a little bit difficult to hold if you're wrapping your fingers around the edges with one hand. The extra width also means that unlike the Nexus 7, the iPad Mini doesn't fit into a pant or jacket pocket. But that extra width provides a lot more screen than on the Nexus 7, but it also means that the bezels are super-thin, too thin to hold. Fortunately, Apple has employed finger-rejection software to ignore presses occurring along the side bezels. It worked quite well. We recently did a Nexus 7 and iPad Mini comparison, and we recommend that you go back and watch that video if you're considering both.

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iPad mini Review | Pocketnow
