MacBook Air Smackdown: 2011 vs. 2010

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TechnoBuffalo1.63 млн
28.07.11 – 31 9154:36
What's The Apps: VLC Streamer
Опубликовано 27 июля 2011, 22:20
MacBook Air Smackdown: 2011 vs. 2010 (New vs Old)

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Apple is claiming that the new MacBook Air is faster than the previous version, but I say I'll be the final judge of that. Just strictly comparing the specs of both, it looks like the claim should be true, but everyone knows real-world tests are where it matters the most. Having an 11-inch version of both the 2010 and 2011 versions on hand, it seemed like the perfect opportunity to do a comparison test and see if the claims were true or not.

For this test I ran both through the same four tests:

Boot time
App opening speed
Video importing speed
Video exporting speed

As I said in my unboxing video, working with video is where it was going to matter the most to me, so now it's time to see if I made a wise investment. All of the answers are in the video above, let me know your thoughts on the comments below!