Intel HPC Server Demo: High Fidelity 3D Visualization of Evolving Brain Tumors | Intel Business

Intel IT Center20.3 тыс
Опубликовано 10 февраля 2017, 2:31
HPC resources add scale and power for clinical care and research that extends well beyond the drug development pipeline. Demonstrated is the power of parallelism and scalability provided by the software and hardware components of an Intel® Scalable System Framework, focusing on the processing power of the Intel® Xeon Phi™ processor. Kitware ParaView* with integrated Intel OpenSWR OpenGL solution and OSPRay Ray Tracing library enables state-of-the-art visual data analysis without requiring a GPU. This allows physicians and researchers to identify even subtle changes in pathology.

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Intel HPC Server Demo: High Fidelity 3D Visualization of Evolving Brain Tumors | Intel Business