The People Model and Cloud Transformation

Опубликовано 13 июля 2016, 15:42
A successful cloud transformation journey incorporates the three pillars of transformation: people, process, and technology. While leveraging the technology, the people component drives transformations. But far too often, cloud transformation efforts concentrate on the process improvement strategies and technology implementation, while essentially ignoring the human aspect of the change initiative and the opportunity to develop a more agile, DevOps culture. Many leaders who look back on previous change initiatives reflect that process and technology were simple to change compared to the people part of the organization. A central perspective within the AWS Cloud Adoption Framework, the "people perspective," guides organizations about aspects that affect people to reduce the risk and accelerate the value realization from cloud adoption. This session covers best-practice methods that enable customers to address challenges in setting up the right organizational structure to manage cloud operations, roles and job responsibilities during transition and post-cloud adoption, assessing gaps in skills and competencies required, building effective training models, and shaping a DevOps culture.