Ubuntu 17.10 Artful Aardvark - See What's New

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Linux Scoop129 тыс
Опубликовано 18 октября 2017, 9:06
Ubuntu 17.10 code named “Artful Aardvark” is the latest release of ubuntu linux distribution. This release come with the latest GNOME desktop 3.26 as default desktop environment, powered by the latest linux kernel 4.13 series, which means that it offers support for the latest hardware components available on the market.

Wayland is now used as default display server in Ubuntu 17.10 instead of X11, but you can still use X.Org Server by selecting "Ubuntu on Xorg" option from the login screen, which is now powered by GNOME's GDM (GNOME Display Manager) instead of LightDM. The Control Center as part of GNOME also updated with new UI, All-new navigation system with all sections listed on the left side of the window at a glance.

The latest application from GNOME 3.26 also included such as GNOME's Calendar, Terminal, Simple Scan, Logs, Caribou and more..

For more details you can read on ubuntu 17.10 release notes : wiki.ubuntu.com/ArtfulAardvark...
Download Ubuntu 17.10 : releases.ubuntu.com/17.10

Software that we are using for creating this video :
- Blender for Editing video - blender.org
- Inkscape for create clip text and other material - inkscape.org/en
- SimpleScreenRecorder for desktop recording - maartenbaert.be/simplescreenre...

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