TrueScale | Immersion

7 139
HTC Vive57.6 тыс
Опубликовано 7 ноября 2017, 19:16
TrueScale allows users to seamlessly create, edit and explore their designed spaces in 2D, 3D, and in real scale for the ultimate design experience. As the user creates a floor plan, the app automatically generates a replicated 3D environment as a dollhouse-type model. Available now on Viveport:

Users can instantly transport themselves into their designs to gain a sense of scale and depth that cannot be achieved through traditional paper or graphics renders. HTC VIVE’s room-scale technology enables the freedom to walk around and explore a design space while making changes in real time.

Using VR in this stage of the design process allows the user to gain a full picture of the final design as opposed to relying on imagination and blueprints.