The Virtue of Laziness: Leveraging Incrementality for Faster Web UI (Chrome Dev Summit 2018)

13 807
5 дней – 2 2920:15
scheduler.yield API
Опубликовано 14 ноября 2018, 3:35
If the first rule of performance is "do less," the second is surely "be lazy." Using LitElement-based web components, we’ll explore the use of bleeding-edge techniques and browser APIs to spread work out so that your UI is faster to load, render and respond to user input. Topics we’ll cover include route-based dynamic module loading, async rendering, chunked rendering, IntersectionObserver, display-locking, and scheduling long-running tasks.

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event: Chrome Dev Summit 2018; re_ty: Publish; product: Chrome - General; fullname: Justin Fagnani;
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