AWS re:Invent 2018: Serverless: It All Started in Vegas (DVC306)

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Опубликовано 27 ноября 2018, 19:00
This talk dives into Trustpilot's journey to serverless compute. The journey starts at re:Invent 2016 and follows how the company fast-tracked its adoption within its engineering organization using a "serverless first" engineering principle. A representative from Trustpilot shares lessons learned and insights gained from running over 200 AWS Lambda functions with 12M invocations/day in production. Also covered are fun stories of what helped the company adopt serverless, how to make those stories actionable, a review of architectural patterns, and a discussion of why they choose serverless over traditional compute every day.

This session is part of re:Invent Developer Community Day, a series led by AWS enthusiasts who share firsthand technical insights on trending topics.