Volumetric Mapping for Long-term Robot Interaction | JRC Workshop 2021

Опубликовано 10 июня 2021, 1:29
Computer Vision | Day 1
20 April 2021

Speaker: Lukas Schmid, ETH Zurich
(collaboration with Cesar Cadena, Roland Siegwart, ETH Zurich and Johannes Schönberger, Juan Nieto, Marc Pollefeys, Microsoft)

Having a high-quality map, i.e. a geometric and semantic understanding of one's surroundings over longer periods of time, is a prerequisite for a large variety of interactive tasks in robotics and AR, such as navigation, object search, manipulation, immersive AR experiences, or service robotics. However, state-of-the-art approaches are not yet well equipped to capture long-term dynamics in changing scenes. In this talk, we present current work a novel map representation leveraging semantic scene understanding to capture temporal changes in long-term dynamic environments and to provide the agent with object-centric multi-resolution maps.

Learn more about the Joint Research Center Workshop 2021: microsoft.com/en-us/research/e...
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