Migrating App Engine pull tasks to Cloud Pub/Sub (Module 19)

2 019
75 дней – 1 41813:38
Cloud migration insights from banking
Опубликовано 8 декабря 2022, 0:00
Serverless Migration Station is a Serverless Expeditions mini-series focused on helping developers modernize their applications running on a Google Cloud serverless compute platform. In Module 19, the second video focused on App Engine pull tasks, Google engineers Martin & Wesley show developers how to migrate an App Engine app using its legacy Datastore and Task Queues APIs to Cloud NDB and Cloud Pub/Sub.

0:00 - Introduction
1:47 - Migrating to Cloud Pub/Sub
2:29 - Required setup before migrating
5:42 - Updating configuration
7:13 - Updating main application
9:56 - Summary and references

Module 19 references:
Codelab → goo.gle/3hYdmf2
Python 2 START ("mod18") code → goo.gle/3ND0x8t
Python 2 FINISH ("mod19") code → goo.gle/3fGGzNv

Other Migration Module references:
All "Serverless Migration Station" resources → goo.gle/3EINuh6
Migration Module 2 "App Engine ndb to Cloud NDB" codelab → goo.gle/3vhNRuo
Migration Module 2 "App Engine ndb to Cloud NDB" video → goo.gle/30xb6pn
Migration Module 18 "Add App Engine pull tasks to NDB Flask apps" codelab → goo.gle/3DFDDIY
Migration Module 18 "How to use App Engine pull tasks (Module 18)" → goo.gle/3Fv2aCD

App Engine Task Queue:
App Engine Task Queue overview → goo.gle/3h8jhky
App Engine pull tasks → goo.gle/3UFvACr
App Engine Task Queue pull queue full sample app → goo.gle/3X4Oq8B
Creating Task Queue pull queues → goo.gle/3Y7OiFG
Google I/O 2011 pull queue launch video → goo.gle/3Y0Br8k
Google I/O 2011 Votelator sample app → goo.gle/3hLYKSx
queue.yaml reference → goo.gle/3VWTYke
queue.yaml vs. Cloud Tasks → goo.gle/3BgvD0N
Migrating App Engine Task Queue pull tasks to Cloud Pub/Sub → goo.gle/3Fymbby

Cloud Pub/Sub:
Cloud Pub/Sub product page → goo.gle/3F9Vp86
Using Pub/Sub client libraries → goo.gle/3uuDrbo
Pub/Sub Python client library samples → goo.gle/3P9vZfw
Pub/Sub Python client library documentation → goo.gle/3Y4CpAk
Create & manage Pub/Sub topics → goo.gle/3PfUmYY
Pub/Sub topic naming guidelines goo.gle/3VRznOk
Create & manage Pub/Sub subscriptions → goo.gle/3HmL9Mm
App Engine (Flexible) sample app (deployable to Standard too; Python 3) → goo.gle/3iMpLpK
Repo for sample app above → goo.gle/3VTs74j
Pub/Sub pull subscriptions → goo.gle/3Y3C2WK
Pub/Sub push subscriptions → goo.gle/3Y3EaOe
App Engine Pub/Sub push sample app (Python 3) → goo.gle/3FIUyNj
App Engine Pub/Sub push sample app repo → goo.gle/3h4PxVD
Pub/Sub pricing information → goo.gle/3Y5EDzr
Cloud Tasks or Cloud Pub/Sub? (push vs. pull) → goo.gle/3BjaJOF

Google Cloud:
Using 3rd-party libraries with Python 2 App Engine → goo.gle/3PcQR5l
Cloud SDK → cloud.google.com/sdk

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