Xreal Ultra + Beam Pro Review: Augmented Reality Android

147 724
242 дня – 169 2297:50
Must-Have Tools for a New Homeowner
Опубликовано 25 июля 2024, 14:00
We revisit Xreal's lineup of smart glasses a year after reviewing the original Xreal Air, with the newly released Beam Pro accessory and Air 2 Ultra glasses combining to actually become a true augmented reality experience. Here's what's possible and also what's limiting about running up to two Android apps floating in 3D space in front of you, and what these sunglasses-like smart glasses are actually good for.

Disclosure: hardware was provided by Xreal for purposes of review.
Note: Review was conducted on pre-consumer release hardware and software, which may reflect a different experience from the latest consumer release.
Learn more about these products at xreal.com

Shot by Josh Self and edited by Norman Chan
Music by Jinglepunks

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Intro bumper by Abe Dieckman

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