Transforming access to healthcare through Web AI

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Опубликовано 30 ноября 2024, 18:00
Chris Slee, CTO at IncludeHealth, a virtual physical therapy provider, explains how they harness the power of WebAI to break down logistical and economic barriers, allowing patients to receive personalized, measured care anywhere, any time, and on any device. A wonderful example of using AI for good in the healthcare industry that can have a positive effect on people's lives

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Speaker: Chris Slee
Products mentioned: AI for the web, Google Chrome Browser, Chrome Browser Automation, Chrome Extensions, Chrome, Chrome Web Platform, Web AI, Web apps, Web Assembly (Wasm), Web Platform in Chrome, WebAssembly for Chrome, WebGPU, Generative AI, AI, Google AI, Google AI Edge, Responsible AI, TensorFlow, Hugging Face Models