GTUG - Using the Google Collections Library for Java (2 of 2)

30 728
Опубликовано 8 августа 2008, 23:26
08/06/2008 -

The Java Collections Framework is indispensable to nearly every Java developer. Yet, you may often find yourself searching for a collection type, implementation, or utility that's nowhere to be found. In this session, you'll learn how the open-source Google Collections Library builds on the excellent foundation of java.util, to provide more of the building blocks you need to do your job. You'll see many examples of how your code can become simpler, safer, more flexible, and more powerful by adopting classes like ReferenceMap, Multimap, our immutable collections and many others.

Kevin Bourrillion is the lead engineer for Google's core Java libraries, more of which will be open-sourced in the future. He is a primary author of the Google Collections Library, and of Google's Java dependency injection framework, Guice. He came to Google in 2004 after seven years of fighting for life at a string of Hot Silicon Valley Start-Ups.