Skype Video Chat in action at UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital

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Skype283 тыс
30.11.10 – 11 9310:32
Video calls - the magic of Skype
Опубликовано 19 ноября 2010, 16:53
UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital representatives, Cam Sutter and Kimberly Scurr, along with UCSF Children's Hospital patients talk candidly about how Skype video calling keeps patients connected with loved ones who are unable to make in-person visits, thanks to a recent partnership between UCSF and Skype. Now, with Skype-enabled laptops, patients are only a click away from the family and friends they long to see while recuperating at the hospital.

Find out more about Skype Video Chat and how you can use it to keep in touch