PC Wars Submission Instructions

124 188
TechSource3.86 млн
161 день – 859 50228:54
A Noob Tries Building a Racing Sim Setup!
Опубликовано 2 марта 2016, 0:25
Welcome to #PCWARS where the best custom PC's battle it out to win 1 grand prize.

1st Place: $250 in cash + Custom Plaque
2nd Place: $100 in cash + Techsource Shirt
3rd Place: $50 in cash

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•PC Must be Custom Built (No premades allowed)
•Pictures must be in Landscape
•Pictures must be shot in HD
•PC must be YOURS

1) Take 3 pictures of your PC as described in video ( more the better)
2) Download HWMonitor and Firestrike
•HWMonitor: goo.gl/DJHfJ4
•Firestrike on Steam: goo.gl/q8BIUL
•Firestrike on MajorGeeks: goo.gl/g3gGgM
3) Screenshot on HWMonitor showing CPU and GPU
4) Run Firestrike benchmark and screen shot score
5) Visit WeTransfer.com
6) Input all information as described in video

1) Dark, blurry and low quality pictures
2) Vertical mode pictures
3) Screenshots missing
4) Any of the 3 pictures are missing
5) Missing PC parts/specs

►Questions? Toss me a tweet @Ed_Techsource